
My response to this game was and still is “so... it’s a boy and his chihuahua pigeon?”

Its good news, but jeez people. Some of you weren’t even in your daddy’s nut when this came out.

ah crap, I forgot to DVR it. I assume it’s on repeat all week until episode 2?

I’m in to see shit get blown up. I have as much interest in the human characters as Transformers movie, which is none at all.

Maybe they were BFFs

Different timeline, different douchebags

Every time I’ve tried to dislodge one my gag reflex kicks in and I dry heave. It is not pleasant.

Give up my coffee, booze, cheese, and meat? Fuck that, deal with my funk.

Umm, that thing seems like it was taken from the end of Requiem for a Dream.

Send an appropriate response.

Oh look, a Middle Eastern strain of the Severe Asian Racism Syndrome virus.

That Felix figure needs to meet up with the Agent May figure.

I wish it was mine but I stole it using a google search :)

Dammit, I can’t post bitch pudding twice.

I watched that first one about 50 times, eyes wide open, before cracking up

Seriously, how is Hellboy 3 not being greenlit at this point? WE WILL GO SEE IT. YOU WILL MAKE YOUR MONEYS.

Is there a figure under all the damn watermarks?

“Witness a most peculiar story unfold”