
Yes, he and his friends are out for justice. You could say they have a sense for doing the right thing.



Now playing

There was something I was hoping SyFy would make a show about. What was it now...

YAY! I'll have to give this a shot, thanks!

I actually had no idea about CGI for Christopher Lee. I guess the whole thing looked like CGI. ((shrug))

How bad it's become? I think people switched over to Adam West Batman or something. I love that show.

WTFox? Why no Sleepy & Got Ham?

Multiverse combined, unified. I hate myselves.

Earth sucked, so I replaced it.

One of my housemates worked for Atkins years ago. One day I came home to find both of them on the sofa, clutching their bellies. They had too many bars with maltitol and... well, you know.

So it's not filled with a ton of JPop? Oh and teen angst.

I have Personna 4 on the Vita and the music makes me want to eat a bullet.

Got a few examples? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'd actually like to know of some things that don't fall into the art style where everyone looks to be a fraction of their real age and also would be worth playing.

Down a mountain? Yup.

On a mountain trail environment like that? Yup.

Maybe. Or maybe we've actually fallen off bikes.

Well, I never said that :) Just that this "OMG teh food didn't rot" thing is all pseudoscientific bullshit that needs to die. The food dried out. You can see it in the cracked bread. The end.