
Enough of this.

I assume you're referring to the Dreamcast. I never gave Sega a chance after the CD and 32X disappointments.

Cinemax could have a whole new series just about Deltans.

I don't, but I still love my Vita.

So then bring them out to the rest of the world.

Until you fall off and break something vital.

I have no problem with a film that gets deeply philosophical as long as there's some sort of coherence. I felt like I was watching a David Lynch film - more Mulholland Drive than Dune.

Now playing

I remember not liking Sonic CD, though I can't remember if I returned it. The music was painful to my ears, if I remember right. Silpheed was great. But then there was crap like Night Trap and Sherlock Holmes.

By that point I was already psychologically prepared to be let down. In fairness the 32X version of Doom was fun.

I always wanted that game :(

This response has confused me about as much as that film did.

I had no idea of what was going on in the second film. I assume a third will inflict a 5d20 SAN loss.

Back in my day mood lighting was turning the damn lights off. Now get off my lawn!

Change Black Panther. The reactions would be priceless. Also change Aquaman's name to whitefish.

I have to admit that some of my favorite games for the Vita are ports of PS3 titles, such as Flower, Dead Nation, and to some extent, Wipeout 2048. I love TxK on the Vita - there is no reason why this kind of game could not be made for the 3DS, and in a better way. But lets get away from east vs west. There aren't

I will agree that there are more games on the 3DS than the PSP or Vita. I will disagree that there are better games on the 3DS than the PSP or Vita or even the DS. The 3DS has thrown itself firmly into the cutesy camp, and it seems like it's distanced itself from "Western" developers. I'm not the first to notice

Yeah umm. I'll probably catch this on Netflix or something.

How many of them are worth playing and aren't Virtual Console ports or 8 bit homages, and are 3DS exclusives?

I don't think too hard about the games I'm not playing :) I'm just feeling like the 3DS was a huge waste of money for me. I wanted ONE GAME that was in development (hell it was already made, it just needed a port) and it got cancelled after I bought the system.