
I was hoping their trackball was discounted. Oh well.

I was hoping their trackball was discounted. Oh well.

I read that as 'squirrels or prequels'

Intruders is beginning to replace Under the Dumb as the show I hate yet somehow feel compelled to watch just so I learn WTF is going on.

Sometimes having the answers isn't a good thing. Cough cough Lost cough God launched nuclear missles at the Cylon colony cough

Problem solved:

Thanks :)

OK, I'll give it another go. I was watching and couldn't get over the feeling that this was a thinly veiled metaphor for American consumerism and/or globalization.

True, there are some misleading ones. Case in point: Black Butler. This is what I was expecting:

Wouldn't Attack the Titans be better? I realize I'm getting into an Aerith/Arucard-esque discussion, but it just seems like the translators are just kind of phoning it in these days.

Maybe I need to watch a few more episodes.

I realize this is likely a translation issue, but just in case, is there a reason this series is named Attack on Titan as opposed to say Attack of the Titans?

On the plus side you can tell someone to eat a bag of dicks and they might be happy about receiving such a tasty treat. Hell, that can be Capaldi's new "jelly baby?"

But the kitty...

We should be able to provide a routing number and card ID to the MTA to process refunds and deactivate the cards. Of course that would make too much sense.

I've yet to find a decent music player UI for touch screen devices. Most of the screen is dedicated to album art and/or useless crap, and the controls are shoved into a small section. It's very easy to skip to another part of the song or skip a track entirely by hitting the wrong part of the screen. I'm glad I

Why do I get the impression that this was created by the ATF to destroy the home brewing community?

I'll get me some meximelts from Taco Bell and churn out a season 3 treatment in a few hours.