
The PS3 had PS2 BC and they removed it. It was possible. It is possible. I don't know what you're talking about with other things, but I should probably clarify that I have a PS1 and a PS2, but have zero interest in having so many consoles connected at once, and the mess of corded controllers. It would be nice to

I'd be happier if I could take my same games from my PS1/2/3 and use them on my 4. That would have made PS4 a day one purchase for me.


Noooooooooooooooooooooo :(

There's grimdark but no cheerylight?


Unless I get a bootleg of Thor part Deux there aint no way I'm seeing it by next week. Let's hope it's not fully required watching.

Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies.

I was about to post something similar, thanks!

Why not love them both equally? :)

The world needs a Batmanuel film.

Not always true.

How does this stand up to the Newsflesh trilogy? I'm still reading through Shift, and need to start on another book at some point before I can get to this.

Now all we need is an animatronic Kosh and we're all set.

I raise you one T-Rex in a jet

Yeah, thanks Obama

Robots Robots Robots.

Wolverine in drag... Rise of Cougarine

As a game it kind of sucks, but it looks great, and the music was phenomenal.