
This doesn't offend me nearly as much as Timer.

And I'm sure a lot of others agree. I just wish it had gone differently, but that's just me and my 2 cents. You know what that buys.

That might work, but it would just be an old timey kaiju film with despair and loneliness.

Be fair, it was better than many of the TOS films, and all of the TNG films, including First Contact.

Dude, we're getting Thanksgiving AND Christmas episodes.

Wait, you guys DON'T like the funky camera work?

I really didn't think anyone else would have posted this. Nice!

Disagree. The end of the game ruined it completely.

Here are my votes:

Don't care, just let me be online and appear to be offline, dammit!

I thoroughly enjoyed STD. I mean STID. Was it a little dumb in parts? Sure. Still better than the SW prequels by far.

Netflix and Hulu Plus work far better for me through my PS3 than they do through my Roku. Probably better caching.

If this had an Apple logo on it the entirety of the internet would be busting a nut over how amazing it is.

I disagree - I've always found the controller to be very comfortable. What I hated was the lack of rumble feedback in the original sixaxis, which was a complete deal killer for me when the PS3 came out. Motion sensitive controllers like this seemed gimmicky and uncomfortable to me then, and I dislike them just as

I read the headline and thought 'really? I thought everyone hated the farm'

Calling her Babs kind of robs her of her dignity.

The long exposed hair is a serious vulnerability.

Same here.

Disagree wholeheartedly. You're talking about Scary Movie. Scary Movie 2, to be fair.