Rufus Honker IV

This is the right take.

“Accidentally” sent...

it was a social blip for all of Western society”

“I am going to become the Joker for time travel.”

Yeah, my major criticism was that Alan’s plotline seems weirdly truncated, even given that Lyonne is really the central character. His plotline last season seemed a lot more fleshed out and his arc a lot clearer.

Agreed. However, I say this only having watched the first three episodes. Technically, I’ve bailed on the show, but the remainder of the season is short enough that I might put it on while doing something else, just to get to the end of the story. What is making me bail on the show is that Nadia is just too much in

I like Greta Lee, but her character was too weird.

At a certain point, Marvel should’ve just put him in the movie.

Sorry, this illogical. People can be both incredible at things AND assholes. This story and movie are so good exactly because Whedon is a great movie maker even if he is also an asshole. This movie given to someone else would have been totally different and likely nowhere near as good. 

>Age of Ultron and the theatrical version of Justice League

Yeah if you’re only going to write articles about flawless creators, you should really give up the profession. Either you had a subject to write about or you didn’t, but if you had to write half your piece on disavowing who it’s about rather than just hotlink to a previous piece, you didn’t have much to say to begin

I think superhero movies have earned themselves a Falling Down.

Agreed. Slow news day and/or article submission deadline, perhaps.

Perhaps you should have actually watched the film before judging the entire content and story solely based on runtime.

Can’t wait. Aardman Animation has a better quality track record than even Pixar, IMO.

My parents’ inexplicable love of the third one over the other two makes me wonder if I’m adopted. Or as Santa himself would say, aaaaeeeuuuuuUUIGGGHHHH?!

I was not expecting it either. I was also surprised at just how massively popular it became. Not because it doesn’t deserve it but because it sometimes seems so arbitrary what new things (especially a violent foreign language genre series) become popular and which don’t.

A thought: the spell was cast that everyone on Earth would not remember Peter Parker, right? So what if…there were people not actually on Earth who knew Peter Parker…? For instance, Nick Fury, or Captain Marvel, or Thor, or anyone not on the planet.

Garfield’s Peter saving MJ, when she fell, was a nice bit of closure for his character.