Rufus Honker IV

Back to Dr Who form in comparison, absolutely.

You are correct.  Never said it was.  Fantasy just isn’t scifi.

The lack of answers is what bugs me about what they call “Science fiction” in the world of fiction. If they don’t address the origin and how this stuff affects the real people in the world, we’re no longer science fiction, it’s fantasy. THAT’S NOT BAD - they can be perfectly enjoyable films. But it’s not science

Is this in any way connected to the original?

It also was going to be and IS my 50th birthday! Woo!

“and it just feels wrong that a series this strong already have a series of “Season Finale, Explained” posts just a few days after coming out.”

Seriously, if you need to watch those things you have a problem.

However I support the “drop it all at once” format.  I like binging it in a few days.

I only played a little Fallout 4. Picked it up on sale, hoping to play something with a Skyrim feel. Didn’t play much, but got the gist.

Tremendously enjoyed the series, though.

Nah, wasn’t 9.  Was a short on youtube posted here.

Yeah, I’m like “Are they trying to warn the silent majorities away from conflict, or trying to goad them towards it?”

Ah, the old “Sci-fi” debate. I long ago gave up trying to correct the clueless majority on terminology. I do a search for “sci-fi” on a streaming platform these days and they assume I want to watch super hero movies, Harry Potter, or Lord of the Rings. Getting tired of paging through those many movies.

I remember some

I really liked Tenet. Not perfect - I’m not sure you COULD have it all make logical sense. But it was fun, and interesting. A great idea, played with well, and that’s all I ask for.

My neighbor had it all - EVERYTHING. But us other kids on the block couldn’t play with them, really.  Might break them. :/

Mmm... my love for nerdy girls agrees.

I’d like them to end it, to tie it up.  Season 2 had me hoping to see the Borg joining the Federation.

We see them and then we go away for six years and we come back.”
Is someone going to Earth?

Really enjoyed Silo. The books got more clunky as you went (this is a beef with me and books. The first book the author has years to tinker and work on. The remaining ones the publisher wants NOW), so I hope they can neaten up the rest of the story.

I scratched my head at the bi-regeneration, but I look at it as preparing for the future:

If the future seasons of Doctor Who are awesome, then hooray! ONWARDS!

If the future seasons of Doctor Who are bad or the show gets cancelled, then all of you who mourn the old way Doctor who was can say the series ended neatly and


We’ll only be past this discomfortable time when we get past male-bashing, too. I recognize the years of oppression men have caused but the main issue is humans being jerks to other humans regardless of gender.  We’ll get there, just as always... slowly.  

Peacock January 11, 2023" Wow, time travel!