Rufus Honker IV

“The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect.”

Yeah weird how they only seem to realize the product doesn’t meet their standards of quality until after they release it for sale.

I heard someone call it this year’s Cyberpunk 2077, but that’s not really fair. At least Cyberpunk was a brand-new title. This is just a half-assed remaster of some 20 year old games. This should be the easiest money Rockstar ever made. The fact that they somehow managed to screw it up, and then compounded it by


For some reason the people who made this show don’t seem to get that no one cares about presidential politics if you’re going to show the country is a non governed post apocalyptic hellscape.

It’s... not terrible, but it’s also not great, and a bit too worried about ironing out the parts of the original that have aged poorly.

I wish 355 (Ashley Romans is my new favorite actor) would beat the ever loving shit out Yorick every time he runs off.

The show has not established that Yorick is that important at all, because the show has done a terrible job of explaining what is going on.

I’m amazed that once again Yorick will just wander into anywhere without a second thought.

three. Voyage Home, First Contact, and the set up to ‘09

I, for one, would have a hard time driving an ox cart. 

I’m curious how R&M avoids this problem.

I like the part in C.H.U.D. where the guy in the van gets shot, then the van’s tire slips into a manhole and the entire van immediately blows the fuck up like it was made of dynamite.

I grew up In NYC in the 80's and despite being super into horror movies as a kid, C.H.U.D. was a movie I always stayed away from. The first time I became aware of it, I thought it was a documentary, considering y’know we had actual mole people, a massive housing crisis, a massive mental health crisis and crack, not to

I was deeply, deeply traumatized by Beware! The Blob when I saw it on The CBS Late Movie with my dad when I was a toddler. So traumatized that just seeing the CBS Late Movie logo on the TV filled me with dread and apprehension for years afterward. Much later I realized it was a comedy, a spoof of the original movie

I’ve always used to think of myself as Gonzo, but the newer Muppet properties have shown me that I’m more accurately the spooky, bitchy, fabulously dressed Uncle Deadly.

Now playing

Lol fuck, I tried recollecting the Pinwheel theme, did, and now it’s stuck in my head. Pinwheel pinwheel spinning around...

My earliest memories of Nickelodeon -- and I'm talking 1983, 84 here -- feel like some wild fever dream. Today's Special? Pinwheel? Jesus.

I can’t be the only old school Whovian who kind of misses the day when the Doctor’s regeneration scene didn’t demand monologues and so damned much closure, can I? Mind you, I bailed on Moffat years ago so I admit that I didn’t have a lot invested in the scene.