Rufus Honker IV

Right! I mean, in the parent series just off the top of my head we’ve heard walkers, biters, lamebrains...

The flaw in thinking starts right here

did you miss the brewery JJ Abrams used the Engineering section of the Enterprise?

The fourth movie did something similar - this huge battle starts in Hong-Kong, then about 20 minutes later you see a news report announcing that giant robots are tearing down the streets of...Shangai. Or maybe it was the other way around. But anyway, they start fighting in one place, and then somehow end up hundreds

In “2012”, the disaster movie, there’s a scene where the WORLD IS ENDING, EVERYTHING IS CRUMBLING, and it shows all the Catholic church officials huddled in St. Peter’s Basilica. The ground is crumbling, the walls are caving in, and then it pans up to the ceiling, which is also crumbling. But for some reason, it’s the

There was only one Transformers movie, and it was made in 1986, thankyouverymuch.

Yeah, that was super-jarring.

I haven’t seen it so I can’t confirm, but apparently in the second Transformers movie the characters escape from the National Air and Space Museum out into the aircraft boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base...in Tucson, AZ.

I’m kind of enjoying that he was cast so differently. Hot young black guy instead of the Jeffrey Tambor-type that was living in my mental picture of him.

Purnell is such a caricature of an aerospace engineering genius with no social skills that it’s weird to see someone as cute and young and likable as Donald Glover in the part. Purnell, in my head, is that morose old guy who’s been in a tiny dark office in the back for the last 20 years and no one is even sure what he

You’re a little late figuring this out.

and you know what? I don’t care.... someone made the same complaint about the book, right before I read it (there’s more book so obviously he survives this) and you know what? It was so well written and so engaging I had a hard time putting it down

This might be a bit spoilerish for anyone who hasn’t read the book:

Well.... Rich Purnell IS a steely eyed missile man.

Even having read the book, I feel like there’s no point to seeing the movie from a layman’s view. If you’ve been following any of these clips, basically the whole plot has been spoiled, and while watching Matt Damon is (admittedly) very fun, all of the tension has been sucked out. “I need to figure out a way to grow

Thank you George,

So this is it, this is how Western civilization crumbles.


Also, the western counties are usually much much larger than the eastern ones. Just a few restaurants can change the color level of a huge swath of territory.

I give a hearty Here Here for #4! There is nothing wrong with telling a story that fits within the covers of a single book. Honestly, I respect a well crafted short story more than a shelf load of volumes that purports to tell a single story.