Rufus Honker IV

Astronauts who actually act like intelligent scientists? And aside from essentially ignoring the radiation problem of inter-solar travel, all of the technology is presented very believably at 15 minutes into the future, which is to be expected from a movie where the writers had NASA on speed-dial for consulting.


...and his bones - picked clean by copious Leporidae - rest there still, bleached and with a slowly growing accretion of salt in the ocean breeze.

So... ISP throttling is bad for the environment! Maybe the EPA can help out in defending net neutrality!

A lot of comments on this article about what a mess these are, or how ugly, but I think there's really a degree of beauty to it. Like crude imitations of spider webs. Or visual manifestations of connections between people - instead of just an open space of an urban area, showing how people are connecting.

Hodor ?!

You raise a really excellent point, one which I'm sure the show will take great care in handwaving away in its final episode next year.

These two episodes were the complete opposite ends of what I love and hate about the show. The first episode I kind of wish was how they were going to end the series. I thought Lexi and Tom working things out on a big final mission, possibly dying in the process, would have been a neat way to end it all. But

So, before I actually go and watch the show (assuming I can force myself through), I am going to speculate:

Thanks for the update Charlie. I have up on this show. All I watch now is doctor who and the strain. Until walking dead comes back.

Best twist? "Get ready for the final season of Falling Skies..."

Actually, I rather liked the 'unseen horror' aspect of the dry ice. Call me old-fashioned, but 'evil fog' is a classic! It actually lent itself well to good character moments: Pope and Dingaan (and eventually Sarah), Matt and Weaver, Hal/ Ben/Maggie.

I find myself oddly relieved that there's just one more season. I've had to work hard to like this show; I'm exhausted.

These geckos are no more! They has ceased to be! They've expired and gone to meet their maker! They are stiffs! Bereft of life, they rest in peace! If you hadn't blasted them into orbit, they'd be pushing up the daisies! Their metabolic processes are now 'istory! They're off the twig! They've kicked the bucket,

Do NOT ignore the posts in your Facebook feed about the Mars / moon thing. Mock them RELENTLESSLY.

think how cool it would be to watch this from this house

All images are mine unless otherwise noted.

Is this *supposed* to look like Edgar Poe?

that would be great