Rufus Honker IV

It's a guilty pleasure for me.

I dislike the Lexi storyline with a passion. The hyper-aged hybrid alien child is such a horrible trope.

Going to disagree. It's still hammy and mostly bland.

Is this that girl from Lazy Town all grown up? (And apparently still hanging out with creepy older dudes)

That also led to the Americans attacking the British at the Battle Of New Orleans after the Treaty Of Ghent was signed and the war was over.

Here's what your 1.1 million comments on net neutrality look like on Kinja.

I've always had a soft spot for Detective Bellefleur. He just wanted some recognition for his work. And he's always been mostly decent at heart.

That was a great episode with Nora!

Lauren nailed it by calling her behavior "weirdly wifely" toward Kevin. I can't tell who, if anyone, is creeping on whom here. Probably just another symptom of how Kevin has been temporarily unable to make good choices.

"I can't suspend belief enough to get past the fact that one of the Einstein twins had to drop his pants down around his ankles to take a piss"

We cheered when Nora turned the garden hose on the GR - I like this no longer grief-locked Nora. Also, I was glad to see the (second) scene with Kevin and Nora avert the turn toward what's-the-point despair it might have taken, this being The Leftovers and all, and instead turn (cautiously) joyful.

I'm loving the show more and more each week, and am perfectly happy to turn myself over to the crazy and let it carry me along. However, I can't suspend belief enough to get past the fact that one of the Einstein twins had to drop his pants down around his ankles to take a piss.. whilst standing up. Who does that and

Or maybe he'd invite her up hoping she'd show him her secret room?

But since his parents know about the room, it won't be that great of a hiding place when he's a teen...I mean that would be the first place they'd look if he's trying to hide a girl in his room or drugs or whatever. Guess it would be a great place to masturbate though!

Game of Thrones spoilers are the worst. I've read the books, but it's annoying to see how many people take glee in ruining the surprise to others, then saying "The books were published ages ago! It's your fault!".


That line about caring felt like a possible Malcolm Tucker line. Love it.

OMG I THOUGHT I WAS SO ALONE! Everyone raves about how it was super awesome & the best one so far/out of the series & I'm like, 'really!?'.

Addition to your statement: