Rufus Honker IV

There's gotta be a sea park somewhere in Tornado Alley. :D

Jesus, all I can see now is the penis dagger scabbard going toward a pantless girl.

on the one side the road does go right by...if you take the metro there, you have to cross the street to get to it. you can actually see a tiny sliver of it on the extreme left. of the picture.

God, I had the biggest crush on her when this movie came out (I think we had like a 1 year age difference). And I still kinda do.

Too much power and smoke in all of these pictures. It's 20 years since the event people! It wouldn't still be smoking and there definitely wouldn't be power.

That movie is the worst abomination ever. I slept through most of it and I still hate it.

Does it help that Lacey Chabert turned really, really, really hot?

"Why aren't we ascending into Heaven? ...Oh right, the sins."

He didn't pray? I thought Cage being left behind was god's punishment for starring in "The Wicker Man" remake, Ghost Rider 1&2, and a whole bunch of other awful movies.

Because we really need another movie confusing Christians about just what Revelation is all about.

Cubert J. Farnsworth
Happy mole scraping day!

Sorry Wil Wheaton. I love your show, but you'll never live this down. And for the record, it's more how the character was written than the quality of the actor.

Ill just put this here.

What's a video store?

Hoping it's NOT a musical. Wrinkle deserves a solid on-screen effort after so many made-for-TV movie attempts.

There is literally nothing in this sentence we don't love.

Do you want to ride a centaur? It doesn't have to be a centaur...

They are just flesh colored.

This is bad? Well, depending on why...and how old she is.

"Hey Listen, you collect $200"