Rufus Honker IV

Where did you read that it spreads like the common cold? If that were true, there would be no one left in Africa and it would have spread to the US months or years ago.

M-O-O-N, that spells EBOLA.

Start heading for Boulder CO!

Baby, can you dig your man/he's a righteous man....

I loved the everlasting shit out of this movie, and it deserves more love than it's getting right now. And that diva scene was something I had never seen in a sci-fi action movie before. It was, in a word, sublime.

You would have to be a total snore to not enjoy The Fifth Element. Its awesome.

Agreed, but I could imagine a librarian working in the children's section getting annoyed with Seuss when he was pumping out books.

The theme for Christmas 1990 was 'Canada: America's Hat'

Green Eggs and Ham ...Not recommended

Depends upon how you want to define "exciting." Curiosity has not gone as far. But it set down in a much more scientifically interesting part of Mars. And it is doing solid, slow, painstaking science. The science return will ultimately be much greater than those two previous rovers.

But note that all the glorious stuff you're citing came AFTER 1937, so it seems they were a bit premature in predicting SF's demise.

So SF did go downhill in '37 then!

But it is, it is. If you look now on the lists and lists on Amazon, its all military scifi in endless repitition, zombies, or the now-growing erotic and gay. Where are the great soaring humanists (Heinlein), the grand thinkers (Asimov), the world creation (Herbert), the mystery of the shade of grey in black and

I'll sink Manhattan

Brain has to put up with shit? Brain has to put up with shit?? If anyone has to put up with shit it's Pinky! You know why he asks what they're going to do every night? It's not because he's too stupid to remember, it's out of a fleeting, desperate hope that Brain will get over this unhealthy obsession and let them get

I want that Oreo in my belly, now!

The very two words that popped into my head and out of my mouth when I saw that. God....Damn!!!!!!

You sir, win.

"Is this a god damn??"

Time to re-hide the bodies I dumped there in 2010.