Rufus Honker IV


Im sorry that english is not my native language. Do you wish to continue this discussion in german? Maybe then i can complain about your lack of knowledge.

Actually I'd be far more concerned when this technology leaves the military for the civilian sector and then suddenly millions of high school educated truckers and teamsters are out of work.

I look forward to the endless "I'm Coming Home" videos set to country-western music with the robot cranes hugging little robot Roombas, the family robodog yapping until its batteries run down.

So what happens when all these soldiers no longer have jobs?

Soo... free trucks when I blow off the first one's tire with an IED, ram the last one with a technical, and pin the others in a contained area?

He'll be playing "Bob" in the gritty reboot overseen by Damon Lindelof and Zach Snyder.

HA! And people called Dr. Mafune mad. He was right all along!!!

I get that you can estimate body layout and size from these bones. Everything else seems a bit . . . forced.

No, the last person I would expect is Christopher Eccelston.

One step closer to the hoverboard!

"What physicists?"

It's in the damn video.

Of course that is kind of a major plot point.


Now playing

Isn't the answer obvious? It's one better, after all.