Rufus Honker IV

You say horse,I say Zygon.

The Doctor's new jam…mies.

How the horse got my pajamas I don't know.

"Strax was also spotted on horseback, although lord knows what he thinks he's riding."

I still say Star Destroyers in atmosphere are kind of dumb.

I can't believe I never put it together that banthas are ELEPHANTS.

"Where do I dispose of these wonderful toys?"

I was watching the awesome Chris Hadfield on Stargazing Live last night. When asked if astronauts dwell on the danger of being in space he said "Sometimes when we're in our sleep pods we can hear meteors crash into the hull of the ISS with a clang. You can't live in fear all the time and anyway if things went wrong,

As long is Art is there, I'm there.


Sansa turning bad would have his fans cheering.

Mostly Harmless.

How about Saturn's hexagonal polar vortex? Weird

See, this is one of the many reasons why I'd be completely terrible at writing romance. I can understand sacrificing your life:

The real fireworks don't happen till later in the year when Dubai's debt bomb explodes if they don't get refinancing.

I want to see the other video of all the construction workers in their little one room homes wondering if they're get their passports back in 2014...

They should probably get back to that whole game making business...

The Valve mysteries have been the most puzzling thing in gaming to me for the past few years. They are like some underground shadow company who only job is too churn out amazing games every few years then go back to their underground volcano base ran by mole people.

For most of these you're better off watching the MST3K/RiffTrax/Film Crew version... in most cases also available on youtube

The last 15 minutes of Fiend Without a Face gave me nightmares when I was a kid.