Rufus Honker IV

I liked the Amazing Spiderman movies more than I wanted to - but only watched them once.  I also forgot how charming it is.

See, now that’s the sort of thing I love.  You only get one first watch of a movie.  Nice to get it the way the director intended.

First up is Oscar-winner J.K. Simmons as Ivo Shandor

Online it has a countdown timer indicating it isn’t due out for a month.

I have to agree. LOVED the show, but think it would be better as a one-off.

The middle of the series was BORING. Strong start, strong finish, but boring in the middle.

My dream scene is for Tom Holland’s Spidey to be arrested and Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield are police doing “Good cop, bad cop” on him.

I’ve been watching, but they’ve been short on entertainment and action and long on staying in one spot and letting Yorick wander off. The story at the Pentagon is boring as all get-out.

Not really loving this show.  Shame, the comic was so good.

In retrospect, I’m shocked it didn’t get cancelled or dropped.

To be fair, it’s not unlike dogs and cats - or at least Canines and Felines - to pick things up and carry them places.  They don’t need human assistance.

Anything’s better than Falling Skies.  I sat through that whole thing for nuttin’.

Would this in any way be related to the ridiculous book of the same name by Jack McDevitt?

They do, but the footage you see is from the initial confusion.

Actually it was a few years later seeing the sequel to Alien, Aliens, which helped cure me of my dislike of horror. It was a good action flick that got me interested in seeing the original. Sigourney Weaver in panties helped, too.

I was 10 years old in 1984. I didn’t like scary movies. I remember seeing an advertisement for CHUD in the newspaper. “Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers? Oh no - I’m never seeing that.”

Over the years I overcame my dislike for scary movies and came to not mind them - but I skipped seeing CHUD. I knew it

I’ve always described my “Muppet personality” as equal parts Gonzo and Telly (the worrying monster from sesame street).

I just watched that on your recommendation.  Enjoyed!

Can’t wait for this? Read “Slimed” by Matt Klickstein.

I met the Pinwheel Crew when they came to Crosby Gardens Art Festival in Toledo!