Rufus Honker IV

“Come visit ye olde McDonalds..”

God, these guys have a cane and a walker! Could we find older scientists?

National Geo has been going downhill for years. Part of the problem is pictures get shared globally instantly nowadays, you can get actual porn as poor man’s porn now, a person of any income level can make an internet friend in Azerbaijan online and not need to read an article about that far-off place to know what’s

Anyone who’s been a Potter fan through the whole craze knows she pronounces it “Voldemore”. This is hardly news.

I don’t think the government or anyone on Earth has made contact with extraterrestrial aliens. ...But I still follow the stuff.

The humiliating route of the Imperial Navy led to the Empire signing a peace agreement with the New Republic, with strict borders carving out the areas of space under the control of the two sides.

Looks lie a giant, flying flea.

That movie is so underrated. I’ve watched it several times and enjoyed each time.

I understand. My sister and I had Python-fan parents and were fans ourselves as kids. By the time I got to college and my contemporaries were getting into it, the jokes were all pretty worn out

Posthumous ordering is definately too late.

My non-scientific guess on how the world of cheating works is there are always far more guys than girls playing the field. Women tend to have their pick when looking for a random hookup, and don’t really need to use a dating service to find willing guys. Guys who are looking for other guys have an easy time, too.

My 6th grade teacher (~1985-86) told us that the island Sicily was populated by criminals. In retrospect, she probably had seen The Godfather too many times. The reason I remember it is because I was thinking to myself “If it’s only criminals there, why don’t we invade it or bomb it?”

I had to get an eapo-cheapo phone due to budget issues. I don’t have this app installed, but if I did - I don’t have a front-facing camera!

Hey, I’d like to start wathing Dark Matter, but can’t find the first few episodes to watch. Any suggestions?

Now playing

“Bankok, oriental setting. / The city don’t know what the city is getting..”

Good deal. He’s not the greatest in my opinion, but you cannot deny his influence.

“It puts the lotion on the skin, or it gets the hose again!”

“Like a Hyperdrive is just going to drop out of nowh- OH MY GOD, AGAIN.”

And it would sometimes freeze up before it got to the goods..... or so I heard. :)