Rufus Honker IV

My father (73) is in awe by video chatting. It’s like Dick Tracy stuff to him. (I humor him, but I find the video usually superfluous when phones work fine)

Anyone who says cursive teaches discipline, etc is working Ex Post Facto. If you can write in print and people understand what you wrote then you don’t HAVE to use cursive.

Totally this.

The last time the Doctor saw her she was a ghost. The first time he met her, she died. So how can he be seeing her again?

I’d like to see Attack of the Clones again. I’ve only seen it once, years ago when it came out on DVD. Sadly, it’s not available to watch on Comcast on Demand.

Falling Skies was better than this tripe.

I was 27 when I started reading Potter in 2001 - sorry, but I still want to say I grew up with him too!

Old joke. A fighter jet flew up alongside a C5 Galaxy and radioed “watch this”. It then performed some loops and rolls, finally radioing “What can you do?” The C5 pilot radioed “watch this” and simply flew straight for 5 minutes. Finally the fighter jet radioed “What did you do?” The C5 said “Got up, stretched my

This must be his trip to Pathfinder and back.

The greatest scifi out there is always disparaged for having wooden characters. Ringworld. Foundation. The Martian. That’s because the star of the story is the science, not the characters.

Even porn sites pull the little advertisement popup of a pretty girl in what looks like a chat bubble saying “Hi.” People must fall for it or they wouldn’t do it.

I’ve always wanted a Hardcore “you die and you’re dead” World of Warcraft server. I’ve brought it up many times and get the same old tired responses “I have enough trouble on my PvP server”, “I don’t want that extra responsibility healing/tanking”, “Well why don’t you just play a character and when it dies just delete

“Thanks for your viewer numbers and advertising dollars in exchange for a subpar plot!”

Before you think this looks roomy, note it’s taken witha fisheye lens.


Really enjoyed the novel.

I’m reading The Martian right now. Enjoyable book. They’ll never get all the hard scifi into the film, but I hope the movie does it well!

What perplexes me is the people who don’t notice or read all of the scientific stuff and “Check Snopes First” I post to Facebook somehow read this over all else and share it to my wall.... again.... and again.... and again....

All I’ve got is one Ningi. What will that get me?

God, Central Park could fit INSIDE. Then the smell of piss would NEVER blow away.