Rufus Honker IV

I like the look, myself. As I understand it they used the little fiddly bits from Battleship models.

I was born 2 years after Apollo 17. I’ve never seen humans walk on another body - or looked up at the moon while humans were walking on or orbiting it, and would like to. I always assumed we’d be going back soon, but I’m 41 now and getting pessimistic.

Think about those tasty, tasty Eloi.

I don’t think they’d be able to sit on it. By the time the information got from theastronomers to the decision makers the pool of people would be too large.

No one would have guessed that Titanic would have made a proft at the box office, after 250 million and delays - but it made it big-big-big. HOWEVER - that’s the exception, not the rule. I do hope this evetually comes out and works, but yeah - my expectations are lower now.

No. I have an overpowered brain. I’m very creative. An idea a minute. I’d take a pill to dumb down for an afternoon, to tell you the truth.

That drove me crazy too. One lidar scan of the planet would do. you should be able to SEE the waves.

In Wahlberg’s defence, in the blooper reel he can be seen asking the director why they are asking for help at the creepy house.

If they built habitats that could function properly on Earth there was never, ever a reason to send them into Space.

That was sweet.

True, but in retrospect it wasn’t smart.

I think the 20th century american school is at Area 51. Explains all the weird lights and stories. Kids all live in their home states and use Floo powder to get the school every day. Wizarding families are probably more mainstreamed in the USA, but you can tell by the fact that they have fireplaces.

We’re never going to get an actual war in Falling Skies, are we? Never going to get proper Aliens versus Humans. Alas.

Truly. Even the two countries who pointed thousands of nuclear weapons at each other weren’t so stupid as to actually press the button.

Can’t trust the government to give me plutonium, SO LET’S GET SOME FROM TERRORISTS!

Hey, I’m smart enough to build super-robot brains by myself, and make them walk around near-impossible to distinguish from humans to the casual observer. I own a multi-billion dollar company. Let’s do a convoluted plan BY MYSELF to see if the robot would want to escape, given the opportunity! ON TOP OF THAT, lets not

Anybody catch The Last Ship last night? Rachel was in her normal weird science form.

Without bulletproof glass!

My wife is about 300 pounds. She’s tried everything. She’s getting gastric bypass in the next few months (she’s almost done with all the appointments). She came to this conclusion after considering everything, most importantly her health - she wants to be able to play with her grandkids, when/if they ever happen.

Luna = moon.