Rufus Honker IV

So you’re saying that because the government can’t be trusted, they must be hiding aliens? there’s a piece of logic... they must have all my missing left socks, too!

I always like to point out that people who believe aliens are behind humanity’s greatest accomplishments must have a low opinion of good old human ingenuity.

They way they stopped us from killing ourselves with the weapon to end all weapons - the CROSSBOW!

If they wanted to warn us they could broadcast it on every frequency Earth uses. They could show their spaceship in the sky. They could contact all world leaders for a public meeting. But this “humankind is not ready to know about us yet” explanation is utter bull. If we’re advanced enough to need a warning about

I’m reminded of the joke “If god hadn’t intended man to eat pussy, he wouldn’t have made it look so much like a taco.”

People continue to argue as if there is a “right” answer to body shape and size.

“If you’ve been following since you were a kid you would know that many have told their stories with their real names and so forth and often suffered the consequences of doing so.”

I’ve been following alien news my whole life - started as a kid. I am SO SICK of subjective info that only serves as mental masturbation like that. These people are more interested in the feeling than solid facts. They like the wow factor. If I see one more person interviewed in a dark room with a digitally altered

I still think that counting male/female characters is going too far. Just me. If a person feels you have to have a hero character matching your gender to identify with a work, then maybe that person is investing too much in the work.

But what was the Buzz toy thinking?

I was a youth leader at the time for the church youth group at the time this movie came out. Sid reminded me of one of our more hyper youths, Steve. Not a bad kid, just hyper, a little ADD. I never mentioned this to Steve, of course.

I’m already worried about the chemical rocket the James Webb will be sitting atop.

I think we all know what’s going to eventually happen in this room....

The planes just wanted some sun is all!

While the child in me screams foul... the world of children’s programming is fickle and Seasame Street has had a LONG run. It’s time to put it to bed.

Putting on and taking off clothes does have a point where it gets a little crazy. Notice how in porn there’s always a point where pants magically disappear. I heard a comedian once saying how there is no sexy way on earth for a man to remove his pants.

The next time my wife complains about my penis size, I’ll just shrug and say “popup”.

This. I love watching the movie, but when he loses his repeating powers it becomes a bog-standard action flick.

At 2:40 you can see the only smart guy in the accident booking up the hill in the background.

I miss when you could just play the game. “Best way” be damned.