All Outta Bubblegum

Given the Sony e-mail leaks suggested that Sony had a similiar idea before Marvel did it suggests that’s not likely to happen anyway. Not at Marvel Studios anyway. IF Sony could get their heads out of their butts and stop trying to force their own idea of how any of these characters work, there’s a chance at a good

Everyone who has ever worked retail knows why this happens. The reason it doesn’t happen more is because generally it’s too easy and obvious to bother.

Something along the lines of “so sad.”

That was beautiful, but you’ve committed sins against proofreading. Burn in the fires of spellcheck!

It’s a shame we actually have to say it.

I think we can at least agree someone in the toy company got lazy and should be punished accordingly.

Only one or two? This is the internet, you have to Rule 34 that stuff before anyone else does.

I know that questioning the hair in anime is pointless but this. This is next level wtf.

“Nine superpowered siblings live in city crawling with security cameras and press and the people of their nation watch the nine to decide which of them the next monarch will be.”

I’m still stuck on “Soleil likes girls” and those years of Punky Brewster and Sabrina the Teenage Witch. At least my tastes are relatively uncomplicated.

Yeah but that stuff’s generally first run (rape tree in Evil Dead being the exception). So much has been made of that sidequest, I can imagine someone erring on the side of caution.

I...can’t stop watching

We can probably kiss the crossdress-and-get-violated-in-a-brothel sidequest goodbye.

How do you say “Backwards Time Universe” in katakana?

I’d imagine they named her after MJ’s aunt Anna. Maybe something happened with her that prompted them to use that name instead of May (or relegate May to a middle name).

I’m also hoping Aunt May’s still alive AND knows. That and Peter teaching science were great character growth points. Somewhere around Disassembled is where it fell apart for me.

You really want to refer to the black superhero as “boy”? I know Donyell is the older brother in the regular universe but that seems like something someone should have caught.

Hawkgirl being there doesn’t suddenly make it the JSA. Jay Garrick, Alan Scott, and Ted Grant would make it the JSA.

I still say Sloth from Goonies could take him.

Let’s not compare Ralph Bakshi to Greg Land.