All Outta Bubblegum

But those weren’t the ones that started using online support. The first one to do it did it in lieu of a more advanced guidebook. 

I really liked the updated version for the Wii, actually.

THANK YOU. I was beginning to think no one in this thread had actually watched First Blood or read the book, assuming it to be exactly like the sequels and every cliche that sprang up around action movies in the 80's. I remember watching Daredevil as they rolled out Castle and thinking he was very much a throw back to

I’m really thinking the best way to fix Ralph is to introduce Sue. The right actress could also level out the problems with the rest of the cast this season. A female character who isn’t a genius with superpowers, yet still manages to be (effortlessly. This part is important) useful.

And that’s why I’m reluctant to pay for any games. I played Avengers Alliance for years, even when it was obvious the only way to get anywhere in PVP was to pay for it, and what did they do? Canned it. Say what you want about modern games, but I can still go back and play stuff like Ocarina of Time on my old N64

That’s the joke. He goes to all that trouble and he takes what amounts to a couple of drops.

It’s because the whole thing speaks to a much more disturbing underlying issue with Trump himself. How deranged do you have to be that this is a thing you spend time doing? It fits the overall narrative that Trump is dangerously obsessed with Obama. It’s (and I apologize for this) a psychologist’s wet dream. (yeah, I

Jokes have to be funny. That’s kind of how jokes work. If the joke isn’t funny, it’s not worth making.

I’ve suggested the creation of a new position in lawmaking. I don’t have a title for this yet, but the job description is this: you essentially just hang around lawmakers all day. The second one of these backwards troglodytes puts forward this sort of law, you whip out a rolled up newspaper and smack them over the

Is that Ron Perlman? Because it’s interesting you bring him up since Snake is clearly sporting the Right Hand of Doom.

Most likely. There’s so much going on in the current Transformers comics I have a hard time keeping up.

I think they’ve mostly retconned the whole Arcee/Jhiaxus thing out if that’s what you’re talking about. It was NOT popular. There are now fembots everywhere and they didn’t need no CNA tweaking.

Select a nice, solid brick wall without a lot of people around it. Get yourself a good running start, duck your head and...viola.

I want to know who it is these people are actually talking about because generally every time I hear someone supposedly in the know talk about Trump, they say the opposite of what is clearly evident to anyone with eyeballs. I keep waiting for someone to describe him as a humble, generous Japanese loligoth girl with

Part of me thinks this is a new bit on Schneider’s part in a desperate attempt to be relevant once again (though of course he fundamentally misunderstands what made Andy Kaufman a genius at this type of thing). The rest of me is forced to acknowledge Schneider was never relevant.

A ghost that mimics you (hence the name). And you thought it was going to be cute? In traditional folklore (any traditional folklore. It’s practically universal), any kind of supernatural entity that makes itself look like you is bad bad bad bad bad news.

I have long thought Trump grew up wanting to be Shatner and failed spectacularly at every aspect of it.

...do you even know what jokes are?

The Republicans won’t be either. It’ll be your ten year old cousin. The one that thinks screaming for hours is perfectly good use of time when you’re trying to sleep and manages to pee everywhere but IN the toilet.

The very fact there was a backlash underlines the need for the discussion. The people complaining about it are sabotaging their own arguments. But what do you expect from jerks on the internet that can’t control themselves. The way to make the conversation go away is not to prove that the situation is in fact worse