All Outta Bubblegum

Harley’s personality was largely intact when Palmiotti and Conner were writing her. I could at least read her solo book and hear Arleen Sorkin’s voice in my head without having to drink a lot first.

DC hates facial hair.

Rhodey’s already been Iron Man several times. They just got done with a stint of him being Iron Man before Axis. It would just be the same thing again after having just done it, which, y’know, it’s Marvel so that’s not beyond possibility. But the rest of the team involves a hispanic guy (Nova), a muslim girl (Ms

Yep. The best boxes. Everyone else is in dire need of packing tape.


Founder. So it can’t be Rhodey. Besides, he just was Iron Man for a while, so...

That stance completely ignores the idea that what makes him Superman is the influence of the Kents. If you want to make the argument that the Kents in MoS were especially shitty, then yeah, everything makes perfect sense.

And sloppy, too, that’s ultimately what drove me away. I can’t even get excited about anything DC at this point except for the Flash show.

This accurately depicts what its like to deal with medical insurance companies.

I’m laughing because I have that same Prowl (and Optimus) and I put him in pretty much that same pose from the first gif. Awesome.

“Entitlement”. That fucking word should earn the speaker a punch in the face.

Honestly “that’s the dude that’s banging his sister” is the first thing that pops into my head whenever I see Jamie Lannister. It’s also the only part of your post I bothered to really read thoroughly. So now you’re “that person what hates gay characters” and can be nothing else forever.

It’s amusing that this explanation for it contains a link to the previous explanation for it. Why not just outright say “Japanese people are comparing it to a traffic light” since that’s the only real takeaway here?

Yeah, I don’t think Nintendo has a Q division.

I kinda dropped out of Daredevil for a while because it had gotten TOO dark, but came back when Waid started. Man that run was so welcome, and the art was just...the only word for it is perfect.


Is Pokemo a Beach Boys parody song?

So what they really want is a stereotype? Don't fighting games have enough of those?

The Billy Idol one is the only one that does nothing for me. The Cure and Devo I'd probably put on my wall.