All Outta Bubblegum

How much blood can I sell by May 1st?

This corroborates my own research, made up under the name Amreal Doctorhonest.

How bad at educating your kids do you have to be that you think Minecraft will lead to small animal slaughter on a national level?

I don't know why I expected a Comic Party or Genshiken reference. Wouldn't it make sense if Obama and all his greatest political enemies get together every Sunday and geek out on anime?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

I think I might have played the game he worked on. That or one of the hundreds of others exactly like it during the ROM HACK boom.

So you mean Hot Spot? You've got it up there as both. Then again, did ANYONE care about the Protectobots? The Aerialbots were at least something the Autobots didn't have a lot of.

That's about where I am. I rarely watch anime these days and almost nothing new. The only franchise that gets me to drop everything and jump right back in is Rurouni Kenshin. I've been meaning to marathon Robotech but that's more to do with having watched it when it first aired in the US, and I finally have enough of

Now you got me looking at every penciller that ever worked on Marvel's Transformers run.

For the most part it was Denny O'Neil and Bob Budiansky at Marvel Comics that came up with the storyline and the names for the toyline. There are some accounts of what went down in the Marvel and Hasbro offices at the time floating around.

I agree about IX. I thought it was a great game in an of itself, more of a return to the formula. It didn't seem as afraid to take risks as some of the others got.

Honestly I think it's down to it being THE game that got a lot of people in and they want it to be THE story. I was an FF fan since II but VII was the only that got me obsessed. After XII I just stopped caring. I'm still okay with the old stuff. At my funeral I want the music from Cosmo Canyon.

GirlCloud made me do a spittake. Stop giving me fetishes, Square.

This isn't a toy tho, it's just a picture. And honestly I don't see any issue with the proportions that aren't already a factor in Seekers. I've got an Armada Starscream. Now that's ridiculously proportioned.

Because when dealing with shapeshifting robots from outer space, realism is key.

Apparently a side effect of whatever's going on in the game includes lots and lots of typos.

I'm amazingly okay with this. I mean I'd rather get my kicks from wasabi peas, of course, but there are dozens of other chip flavors that make me want to go snack on a raw potato instead.

The xenomorph, the nun, and Vegeta were my favorites.

I love the characters but that show was painful to watch. They ditched the idea of it really being anything like the classic stuff in favor of a sitcom style with running continuity and worst of all they made Lola a horrid shrew of a girlfriend for Bugs. A stereotype almost. I'm glad it was recently cancelled. They're

True, the most important thing about this game is whether or not it's going to right the franchise after some pretty baffling decisions the last few years (and I'm not even talking about that dreadful movie). I dunno about only getting to control one character tho, that seems kinda boring.