All Outta Bubblegum

Yeah, it's the official US release.

I got the first off Amazon.

Because there's a slightly feminine quality to him. Always has been, it was intentional.

"They'll have to buy another 3DS! They'll have no choice! Muhuhahahaha!" - Japanese Nintendo exec

I guess the real value will be to compare it to the animated movies, with Fuma Conspiracy being "okay, I'll watch it" and Castle of Cagliostro being "this is a trick isn't it, you lying liar-face."

I don't start worrying until Ally Sheedy's involved.

As an American, I'm offended that anyone implies we don't own the market on paranoia and stupidity on the internet.

Chadderz and Bean are now part of my every meat burrito.

Honestly, some people just cannot get it through their heads that clinical depression isn't like being bummed out because your team lost. It can really screw with you and sometimes it's tough to even see it for what it is, let alone treat it. If you could just slap someone and tell them to cheer up, I'm sure a lot of

That happens to Michael Moore way more often than one might think.

News media is the same in most countries: staggeringly idiotic.

Good god, now I see them heaving even when it's a still image.

They're sighing in frustration at having to pose like this until you read the whole thing.

Somewhere, a guy named Harry Tuttle is laughing for bad reasons.

Your move, whoever has the rights to Turbo Teen.

Weird, I've still not gotten around to playing Wind Waker. Or Majora's Mask. Or Skyward Sword. Or Spirit Tracks. Probably some others. I am a terrible nerd. Well I guess when I win the lottery I'll have plenty to do.

Maybe they were fighting over the proper way to record a video on a phone.

It seems to me the one may have a psychological condition and the other's simply a follower. Or they're both just bad kids and made up the Slenderman connection to try and weasel out of it.

True. If it was Fox News (as in the network) it would be about how this was intentional to teach kids to take pleasure from horrible traffic accidents.