Hello, Jess with No Boundaries! :) Thanks very much for your response - always great to hear a success story! Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly and you have a happy and healthy baby number two!
Hello, Jess with No Boundaries! :) Thanks very much for your response - always great to hear a success story! Hope your pregnancy goes smoothly and you have a happy and healthy baby number two!
Just as it was illegal for Sarah Sanders to call for that ESPN chick’s firing, it’s illegal for Trump to call for the firing of a buncha sportsball guys. Shut this cocksucker up.
Genuine question: why does the National Anthem play before domestic sporting events? I understand playing them at like, the Olympics, where numerous different countries are competing against each other and it is kind of neat to hear each one, but when the Ravens are playing Patriots (for example) why do we need it?…
Normally I assume people are reading way too much into stuff, but one of my younger brothers looks a lot like Prince Harry (has been told by strangers he should get a job impersonating him, etc.) and this is the EXACT facial expression he makes when he’s doing something secretly rascally and thinks he’s getting away…
If that’s not a stifled giggle at 0:06, I don’t know what is.
Wow, that sure looks intentional.
When you are purposely trying to get pregnant, seeing other folks get pregnant without trying fucks with your head. Because purposely getting pregnant can take some work. You take fertility tests everyday to see when the optimal time to fuck is, you have to purposely reduce your anxiety levels and that just reminds…
K.J. Apa, who is currently making headlines because he fell asleep at the wheel after a 14.2-hour work day and crashed his car into a light pole.
I’m not sure why the fact that Kevin Hart’s baby shower costing $118,000 is pushing me into “hatred of him” territory, but it is! And the chimp in a diaper is the cherry on the hatred sundae.
Now now
I couldn’t have said it better than Jenny. If you can afford to and that’s what you want, stay home with the kids. It’s not for me, but my mom did it and loved it. It wasn’t about giving up a career because being a mom was more important.
Please don’t do that. Just because it’s not your choice or what you want, doesn’t mean it’s not valid for other people. There may be reasons to call this particular woman unambitious, but please don’t criticise women in general for choosing to be a stay at home mother.
actually, the grossest thing is when other people judge or try to define how others grieve a lost loved one.
My boyfriend died a little over a month ago. His family is large and live in another state. He had posted on FB — which is how he kept in touch with everyone — about not feeling well the night before he died. So, yeah, his brother let everyone know what happened when they were all asking if he was okay the next day.…
In their defense, and having lost a much beloved father-in-law just a few months ago, one good thing Facebook is for is the sharing of horrible news. When you lose someone like a parent, especially if they’ve been battling a terminal illness, you feel so overwhelmed and alone that it helps to just put it out there. …
I’m not gonna judge. I was literally alone in the woods when I found out my grandma passed (girl scout counselor, called home from the one phone which happened to be a decent distance from the camps, and after lights out once my kids were sleeping). If a signal existed out there I would’ve posted just to reach…
with her attorney, Lisa Bloom.
Not true, at least for me. I’d be uncomfortable condemning anyone if the only evidence of wrongdoing was second and third-hand rumors, and if the supposed sources of those accusations started directly refuting them.