
This is me. Somewhere around the third year of infertility I stopped having a solitary fuck to give (I did end up having a son after 5 years via IVF). After three years of polite deflection, I was FUCKING DONE. From that point on, if someone over-stepped and started asking me shit that was not their business, they got

Hey, I’m Jess and I have no boundaries! I just wanted to jump in here a sec and tell you all about how much I love IVF. I went through four years of hell doing so many treatments and hormones, all of which failed. In my case, IVF worked really really well. I ended up with 10 blastocysts, and got pregnant and had my

Okay, I know this isn’t your point AT ALL, and I definitely agree that “wife and mother” should not be one’s only defining characteristics, buuuuut....

Yup. I’m a Canadian who can literally see the States from my neighbourhood, and I’m actively choosing not to step foot in the US until this facist regime is out of power. My husband is a Canadian citizen, but is originally a refugee from El Salvador, and I just don’t have the patience to deal with some white

I haven’t read down to see if you’ve gotten replies on this, but I’d be happy to share my perspective.

It is very refreshing to see someone call out the bullshit of closing down all the nurseries and forcing the baby to room-in with you the whole time. When I had my son in 2014, I went into labour at 8pm but wasn’t admitted to the hospital until 1 pm the next day. By the time I had him at 10 pm, I had been awake for

(Yo. Just wanted to say sorry people are jumping up your ass about the UES thing. I live in a small town on Vancouver fucking Island and have never been to NYC. I still figured out what it was in oh, ten seconds, because context.)

I did :( :( :( I was so sad. Winston was such a great cat.

RIP fourfour! I loved his America’s Next Top Model recaps so much! And Winston and Rudy!

I am so, so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story.

I got a werewolf too! Like back, arms, ears, FOREHEAD, what?! I kinda wish I had known that was a thing that could happen.

For me they were both true. I had insane heartburn, and sure enough gave birth to a werewolf. My son had as much hair as this baby, but also had a hairy back, hairy arms, a hairy forehead, and little tufts on his ears (and he was full term, so this wasn’t the fuzz preemies were born with - this was black hair!) I was

About 10 years ago I was drugged by a bartender as well. I know it had to have been him as he handed me the drink, and it never left my hand. I ended up only being able to drink maybe 3/4 of it until the effects hit, and I started to black out. Luckily I was with my boyfriend and he got me out of there, and he took

I know I’m late to the game here, but I’m Canadian, and this has happened to me all my life in many parts of the country. I’m 4'11, and it's like ALL people (men and women) think I should just jump out of their way. I already am very courteous, sticking to my own side of the sidewalk, but these fuckers walk 3 and 4

The point I was making with my original comment was that I, personally, had no interest in watching 10 hours about this sadistic psychopath.

Are you comparing a DUI to dousing a cat in gasoline, setting it on fire and then throwing it in a river?

Maybe I'll give it another shot.

Oh no, I completely agree that he was wrongly convicted, and it’s disgusting that the actual rapist went on to victimize other women. For me though, I just couldn’t watch the whole thing given that after the whole cat burning thing, I gave absolutely no fucks about this guy or what he has been through.

Thanks for bringing up the cat! I attempted to watch this series, but only made it to the point where he casually mentions he set a cat on fire and threw it in a river. At that point I was all “Hell no. 18 years wasn’t long enough for you, mother fucker!”

Thank you! I have an older husband, and while we did start trying to have kids a loooong time ago when he was only 43, my infertility screwed us and we only had our first when he was 49. Now we’re considering having a second when he's about 52-53, but I literally stay up at night worrying that my poor kids will hate