Maybe Katmandu knows the real secret to life: HOW to feel like an adult!
Maybe Katmandu knows the real secret to life: HOW to feel like an adult!
Hahaha that was me at 16 weeks, still nauseated as hell with a crazy long list of aversions. For me, that stuff got better around 22 weeks....just in time for the insane reflux to kick in! The reflux was way better though because could take lots of Zantac and look at chicken again without barfing.
Good luck with the IVF! I did it in 2013, after five years of infertility and treatments, had an embryo transferred in 2014, and now have a crazy one year monkey boy :D
Ha! Me too. I watched the video before reading anything, and I didn’t clue into the fact that it wasn’t an actual woman just wearing a “mom hair” wig.
To be honest, I’m really surprised that number is not way higher. In my own experience (absolutely annecdotal, not trying to generalize or apply to anyone but my own group) all of my friends who have been pregnant have had the occasional glass of wine. I also had a few small glasses of wine throughout my pregnancy.
Thanks for all the pronunciations! I’ve seen Natchitoches written out before, but have never heard it, so in my head it’s always been “naat-chee-toe-cheez” or just “nachos” when my brain doesn't even feel like trying.
Me too! And now, I still have it, but I'm trying to drive the car from the backseat.
Can I just give you a million stars? I'm pretty sure Varghulf is Miss Victorian herself (or possibly her husband). He/she seems awfully defensive of her for a normal person....
Hahaha ummmm no. It's because her tone was insufferable, but I am absolutely fascinated with her experiment. I genuinely want to know more about how they're doing this. I will probably even buy her books. But thanks for your *awesome* assumption.
SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!!! I just want to sit her insufferable hiney down and just drill her with all the questions that article raised!
She is sooooo insufferable, but that article just left me with so many damn questions, such as: Tampons, yea or nay? Do you have indoor plumbing? Where do you get groceries? What if you have kids, what then? Birth control??? What if you develop a health issue, just how committed are you to this “lifestyle"? And many,…
I was a very young looking 16 year old girl working the till at McDonald’s back in the day. A man and his two children come and order. He requests a Happy Meal toy that we don't currently have. I politely let him know this and show him what is available. He picks up the toys, throws them at me and starts screaming…
My hotmail contained both a “ho” and a 69. So. Much. Shame. I still use it for crap I don't want to use my real email for though!
I know I’m a day late with this, but I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone with the whole not able to get excited about pregnancy thing.
Thanks :) I think there's so much pressure to mourn every loss, but come on. If I had lost the baby later, I would have been devastated, but it was hard for me to get overly upset about a slightly heavier period.
Oh my God the tweakers. I joined a birth board when I was pregnant with my son, and for awhile I had no freaking clue what all this “tweakers” business was. I thought tweakers were meth heads. I can never understand why these women don't just wait a few days and test again. And that's coming from someone who took 5…
Ugh. That is even grosser than robots in human skin! I cannot imagine living like that. I hope she eventually sees the light and runs away!
I couldn't make it through either video either. The bad acting and fakeness just made me want to barf.
Honestly, I agree with you but didn’t want to come across as heartless. I had an early loss like this, after trying for 3 years, including fertility treatments, and while I felt upset because YET ANOTHER thing failed, I never felt like I lost a child. I feel like there’s something wrong with me because I didn’t get…
Yes! Just like the first pregnancy announcement vlog, this one too seems very badly acted and fake. I said in another comment that these people always seem like robots wearing people suits just acting as hard as they can at all times.