
Miscarriages are awful, and I feel horrible that they lost a wanted child. That said, these people always come across as extremely fake. Either they are terrible, terrible actors, or they are actually robots wearing human suits. I’ve watched a few of their vlogs, and no matter what, there is always something a little

Thanks! I loved swaddlers when my little guy was tiny, but now he's a big, on the go 10 month old. The Kirkland ones sound like they would work. Alas, no up and up for me as target is no more in Canada :(

Thanks :) I think I'll pick some up next time I'm at Costco.

I'm tired of paying pampers prices, and want to switch to Kirkland. How do they compare to pampers sizing?

Haha I totally know what you mean about “kind of hoping to feel nauseated!” At first it was great! Yay, I'm officially pregnant! But that feeling wears off realllllllly fast after a couple of surprise pukings and day after day of nausea. Omg and the heightened sense of smell was the WORST. But that said lots of women

For me it hit like a ton of bricks at about 7 weeks and lasted until around 17 weeks, which is about when the horrible reflux took over. My aversion to chicken lasted until around 30 weeks. Fun times.

The worst was how my dorky brain was trying to make it work. Like maybe the cool kids love the Marriot these days? Is the Marriot slang for something?

I'm glad my inherent non-coolness has not been wasted in vain.

So I watched the video before reading the article, and the whole time I thought they were saying “and turn this bitch into a Marriot.” God, I'm so lame.

The epidural was FABULOUS. I had back labour, and it was a busy day in L&D so I had to wait longer than expected for the anisthesiologist. By the time he came, it was like he was the most beautiful person in the world haha. He did have a hard time placing it (took him three times) but since I was having constant

I was around 25 weeks this time last year, and was TERRIFIED of giving birth. Like it seemed like this huge scary thing that I would not be able to do. But honestly, by the time I hit around 35 weeks or so, I was so giant and miserable (insane acid reflux) that the labour and birth started to seem less scary.

Yeah I totally agree with you. I guess I just get a little overly touchy about unemployment after my whole stupid ordeal. I'm sure the woman will realize really quickly that she is going to have to try to get a job. I don't think that their GoFundMe is going to get them much money!

I agree with you on every point, but the one little defence I have for the baby daddy is regarding his unemployment. I live in the city these guys are from, and trying to find work here is absolutely brutal.

That was what really struck me too - 6-8 hours of sleep at 8 weeks is freaking amazing. My little 6 month old just now is starting to do stretches that are that long and it feels like heaven. Seriously, who would complain about a two month old baby sleeping 8 hour stretches!? At two months my son was still waking

I was the same way, and it too confused everyone. I had been trying for five years, and it had been five years of failed treatments and miscarriages. When the IVF actually worked I was terrified. I absolutely refused to get excited at all. I also refused to tell anyone except my husband and immediate family. I started

Hahaha I always say that the biggest gift we are giving our little IVF dude is the illusion that mom and dad are just beeeest friends who never had to have sex ever, even to have kids.

Good luck! I conceived using IVF last February, and I currently have my 5 month old monkey crawling all over me :)

Hahahahaha I enjoyed your reply way too much. I too love the dismiss feature. I thought I did dismiss ISOdouche's crappy reply to me. I will have to check. Btw, I love PunkUnicorn; so much better than PinkUnicorn!

Where I live all of the jobs you listed are union. Meaning good wages, awesome benefits, paid leave and all the other stuff that comes with union protection. Those delivery drivers are getting minimum wage and are using their own cars. No benefits, no paid time off, no job security.

There aren't enough stars in the world for this awesome reply.