That's a fine looking high horse you got there.
That's a fine looking high horse you got there.
In my case it genuinely didn't, but only because of wide-spread tearing. Apparently (unbeknownst to me) when the doctor was reassembling and stitching my poor bits and pieces back together, she added a few *special stitches*. I have been tightened beyond what I ever was to begin with, and tbh it sucks. My husband and…
Yup, I was the exact same. People said when I had a child of my own, that I would realize abortion is wrong. Haha no. I had a horrible, stressful high risk pregnancy, and all it did was cause me to double-down on my stance that abortions need to be available to all those who seek them. I love my son to death and would…
I was the same, so when I was pregnant I made it extremely clear that I hate all that shower bullshit, that no, I do not secretly want one and that if one was thrown I would not be showing up/staying. No shower was thrown, and yay for being a curmudgeon!
Oh I used to LOVE these assholes when I managed my brother's restaurant! They would start in on that bullshit, and I would kind of get them talking about "how well they know the owner" and "how they go waaaay back". Then I would give them a confused look and ask them why I don't know them if they're "sooooo tight with…
I don't know how far along you are but it does get better!!! I was so nauseated for the first four months and developed aversions to basically everything I love (chicken, onion, garlic, basically all spices and seasonings, coffee, chocolate, fish, etc). But then magically around that four month mark, the nausea and…
I was very much the same during my pregnancy. My cravings were veggies and hummus, watermelon and ice water (but only the water from my brother's fancy fridge). I still managed to gain 45 lbs, but I never had cravings for junk.
Yes. They are fucking terrible. I was actually planning to do WW this year to try to lose some pregnancy weight (and actually pay for it and go to meetings) but seeing as how it's teamed up with those assholes, I think I'll just do free online stuff. Any suggestions?
Yes!!! I hate that fucking term so much!!! I don't know if it is true, but I feel like a lot of these stupid terms are Buzzfeed's fault. I always see them there first, pray to god they don't become a thing, then curse the skies when they inevitable do.
I just saw it below. The other term I hate with a passion is "thirsty."
As a former Calgarian, this reply made me laugh unreasonably hard.
Can we please ban fucking "fleek"?! I saw it maybe 2 months ago, and thought "good god please don't let this stupid word become a thing." But it is. It is a thing!! And I fucking haaaaaate it!!! If I hear someone actually say it in real life, it's going to take all my resolve to not punch them in their goddamn mouth!
Thank you for saying this and saving me a whole lot of typing!
The giant baby hand was my take-away too! I'm 4'11 with hands the size of an 8 year old, and my 10 week old baby's hands don't look nearly that big.
Our babies are the same age! Mine was born Oct 8. You are so brave. I would love to take my little boy to meet my best friends and my husband's family but I'm way too scared. I wish you lots of luck and a sleepy, easy baby!
I was exactly you. I used to say the exact same thing, and I had very little patience for babies on planes (though, like you I never said anything to the parents, I would just sit there pissed off).
Hahaha oh they got it all right! Honestly though, some days I just looked at myself and laughed. I really did look pretty funny. If only the physical aspects weren't so painful.
Ehh, I looked like that at the end of my pregnancy. I'm 4'11, so there just wasn't anywhere for the baby to go but out! I brought much joy to all the people on my life who thought I looked hilarious and laughed at my misery :\
Thanks :) I can't wait for his happy periods to start being longer than his screaming periods. He really is the cutest baby in the world (I'm maybe biased haha) and it just makes me so sad that I'm not enjoying him too much yet.
Yup I remember the stage well. I was in so much pain, wasn't sleeping, had severe reflux. Basically it was brutal. But it was quiet. Oh how I miss quiet nights!