
Hopefully, you will never find yourself in the position of having to accept the reality that the child you or your partner carried needed to be let go. Obviously, I don’t believe they’ve been making the best decisions for him or for themselves, but as a parent myself, I don’t have any trouble empathizing with their

Oh, gosh, no! BAC is how many grams per alcohol based on 100 grams of blood. So, for your blood to be half alcohol, your BAC would need to be 50.00, not .50.

there there little bunny. rest now.

I’m a 37 year old man who would knock you on your fucking ass in a heartbeat if you had the stones to say anything you’ve said to my face. Seriously, you wouldn’t get out of that conversation with all of your teeth, fuckboy.

Every other damned thing in the world is being digitized, why not electronic gun holsters? The strap doesn’t unlock unless the body cam is running.

Now playing

The couple family that makes horrible instagram cute videos of themselves working out together, stays together.

I approve of the headline the LA Times gave this business:

A $300k California home is basically a shack in the middle of nowhere. $300k won’t even get you a cardboard box in many metro areas.

He is a national treasure and I will fight anyone on this site who deems otherwise.

Ha, tell that to my vagina and boobs after pushing out a 9 lb. baby.

I get excited if one of my replies on a kinja site gets 25 stars.

It seems like you’re unfairly projecting onto the commenters in this thread. Like you know Jezebel has this “let’s hate this female celebrity” trend and you assumed this was that - which I don’t blame you for, but now you’re digging your heels in and twisting what people are saying in order to fit your argument that

Can I just ask, how the fuck is Locomotive Jones (or whoever keeps creating that troll account) not IP banned yet. It’s getting boring to flag his bizarre anti-Muslim rants for hate speech now.

I...didn’t say that? Her anti-vax (and other) medical notions are an easy and egregious illustration, but over time, she just generally has said a whole lot of stuff that doesn’t seem thought-through at all. Someone can be kind and talented, and also just not great at critical thought, even regarding the things

When someone is anti-vax, I question their critical thought. She has said quite a number of things that are, frankly, pretty ignorant. I don’t think she’s evil, or operating in bad faith, but when she repeatedly says things that are fairly stupid, I’m going to question her ability to think things through.

After birthing 3 watermelon-sized babies, I’ve peed my pants more times than I can mention. Sneezing, jumping (just saying the words *Jumping Jacks* makes me want to go to the bathroom). Laughing so hard the tears run down my legs, I’ve accepted my bladder limitations and don’t wait too long go. Or else.

I had a completely normal pregnancy and i found it terrible. If I had the money, I would have totally paid someone to do it.

Surrogacy laws exist to prevent poor people from becoming breeding machines for the rich.

Your first sentence is probably right, but Kim hates being pregnant because it was horribly painful and potentially fatal to her, not just “so hard”. Kim not wanting to carry another child is only selfish in that it would probably kill her and/or the new baby.
