
Are you young? I think those of us who really love the show grew up on 80's films just like this. The nostalgia is great.

For my boyfriend’s birthday, I wear the “going-to-the-doctor” underwear instead of the “time-of-the-month” underwear.

I like to think that Gwen Stefani doesn’t actually understand the point of lingerie, and so she’s purchased ALL the lingerie and puts it all on at the same time so she looks like the boudoir version of one of those people who tries to break the “most t-shirts worn at once” record.

On Blake Shelton’s birthday, his mind isn’t what’s being blown.

Except this isn’t a ‘small thing’, it’s a nothing. People being upset about all white Skittles makes as much sense as people saying that the Black Panther movie is racist. It’s like asking why black olives have to be in a can while green olives get to be in a jar. The only thing this outrage does is make presumably

The whole point of the article is that people ARE mad about this. The title is “this was a bad idea”. Because no one likes empty corporate gestures of support. They’re probably just trying to save money on dye anyway.

Has anyone ever bitten a Skittle in half? I realise that generally they just get dumped into the mouth with a funnel, but if you bit into one, the mixture of sugar, thickeners and flavourings inside the crispy shell is a white, uncoloured paste. So Skittles are basically white sugary paste painted different colours

Seriously? This is the hill we die on? What was meant to be a small token of support is turned into a point of outrage? Im sorry but the reason trump and his supporters continue to shit all over us is because we devote too much of our very limited resources to bullshit infighting in a hope to be wokest. Can we get

How sweet that she’s young enough to think that her life’s problems will be resolved by 30. I’m turning 39 in a week, and my life is still a shit show.

Diane sounds like me... except rich and successful.

Picture of said teens. Apparently they were looking for a g-g-g-g-ghost.

  • How she hopes to be at 30: “I hope when I’m 30 I’m not bent up about the media. That’d be such an unhappy life to live: You’re gonna be 30 and worry about what people are saying online.”

Seriously! White dude who rapes a woman with witnesses gets 3 months and probation and this guy who alledgely stole a cell phone and was identified by his skin tone gets 19 years?!

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

That’s how. Argument complete.

My question is why would Sandy Hook Promise ask her to host in the first place given her associations? It’s not at all surprising that she would give coverage to this nut bag, and I don’t understand why they expected better from her.

Well what exactly is this interview? Is she going to make him look like a fucking idiot on TV, or she going to parrot all his points and nod along? If she actually challenges him and shows him to be full of shit, that might actually be interesting.

If she would actually push him hard to defend his positions and present actual certifiable facts that counter his BS, then maybe, *maybe*, I could see the journalistic value of this (though I’d still think it was a bloody stupid idea to give this asshole a platform and legitimize him).

In the history of the world about 1/10 women died in connection with childbirth and/or pregnancy. Far more were injured for life. The only reason people can be so unaware of how dangerous childbirth is and yammer on about “but it’s natural! Childbirth is over-medicalized” and be totally removed from reality, is that

Mayer is the kind of guy I would have pursued in my 20s but Groban is the kind of guy I like in my 40s. He has a good job. He’s creative. He’s very funny and smart. He seems humble. Sure he may not be as hot as Zac Efron but he’s cute. I’d stay with him even if he insisted on singing “You raise me up!” every time he