I 100% believe the NRA would support banning toddlers over enacting a single solitary gun regulation.
I 100% believe the NRA would support banning toddlers over enacting a single solitary gun regulation.
I guess he missed the gun safety course.
Here’s an oldie but a goodie:
a quote from a “source close to the family” that explained the two “[remain] close friends and wish nothing but the best for each other moving forward.”
And who would you rather have in charge of this strike? Fox News Decision Man or Actually Been to Middle East Outside Golf Course Former Secretary of State?
I think she would have done something like this, however she would have welcomed refugees and got her messaging right. She would have condemned it from the get go, and will get the Russians in line.
It shouldn’t have to be said, but I will say it anyway: If you voted for Trump because you “just didn’t like Hillary,” I will never fucking forgive you.
While I appreciate your concern, I make good English.
Does “whodat whodat” count as non-chorus?
She could lose another fifteen pounds if she had a colonoscopy because she’s obviously full of shit.
Someone should warn Abigail Breslin not to get a nose job.
I’m not wishing death on anyone per se.....I mostly just want a mortar fired in his vicinity to scare the shit out of him and make him realise this is not a fucking game and he’s in way over his head. Iraqi politics are extremely delicate, and a little screw up by an inexperienced but powerful individual with no…
This fucking interview. C’mon Gayle, don’t waste our time, Oprah it up a bit. I would have rather watched the two of them do a baking segment, at least we could have gotten a recipe out of it. Also, I hate the current overuse of the word “conflate.” It’s goddamn everywhere.
I cannot, for the life of me, decide who I hate more - I read this, and set my rage on Ivanka. But then! I remember that Jared - a 36-year-old who fell into this position by way of marriage with zero credentials - is currently in Baghdad, “solving” Iraq’s complex, multi-faceted, interlinked, and very bloody crises…
Wrong, wrong, wrong - English is my husband’s 3rd language. When around other Spanish speakers he speaks Spanish as a means of deeper connection with them, not as a means to exclude me (um, not everything is about me.) Later in conversation my husband always translates what I didn’t understand.
Look, just because I’m being silent doesn’t mean I’m being silent. It just means I’m being. Silently.
Or she just wants to talk to her mom in Arabic?
Why the fuck would you marry someone who speaks another native language, and then expect them to never speak it again? That computes...how?
I desperately want to believe this blind-af garbage was designed to kill Kendall Jenner’s modeling career. Because she wouldn’t have even made it to the part of ANTM where they get to leave the country. Nope. You can’t smize when there’s nothing inside.