
You are an amazing sister :) I'm currently going through this but to harvest my own eggs for IVF. The hormones have turned me into a completely unhinged emotional wreck. I honestly don't know if I could do this again for anyone else! It made me smile (and cry because hormones) just knowing someone out there has such a

Thanks :) it is actually really helpful just to see that I'm not the only one out there dealing with this...

You are a trooper and a half. I've been dealing with infertility for almost five years now, and around the first year in I just started refusing to have anything to do with baby showers or any of that shit. Doesn't matter who it is, family, close friends, I just can't handle it. I just read another one of your

Yup. I was sososososoooo pumped for Target to open here. I went the first week....and disappointment. I went abck a couple more times hoping it would improve, but no. The shelves are perpetually under stocked, there is none of the nice stuff they have is the US Targets (especially the clothes) and we get none of the

Ummmmm...I have the exact same if not smaller feet than you (most brand size 5s are too big) and I will give you that it's annoying trying to get shoes that fit, but it is absolutely nothing like a plus-sized 14 year old being cast out of a store in front of her friends. I too have gotten the eye rolls and stuff from

Imagine if it's not a choice. I am infertile and have been trying and doing treatments for almost four years, and when I hear/read shit like this, it's like salt scraped onto my big gaping wound. It's like confirmation of all the negative, dark thoughts that run through my head every day.

At my restaurant, we are required to put it through a server's number, so it still goes into their net sales, and they still have to tip out on it. Like I said, maybe I just work in a very generous area. I am not saying you have to tip on takeout, but for me personally, it doesn't hurt for me to kick in an extra 10%.

Someone still had to take your order, place the order with the kitchen, cook the order, check, assemble, bag the order and bring it out to you. At the restaurant I work at, takeout customers tip around 10% across the board. I also generally tip 10% for takeout, unless it was a really complicated order, in which case I

My husband is 16 years older than me. Luckily my parents are fine with it (though I do think my dad had a mini-seizure when he found out the age difference). Now my mom just treats him like a kid, which makes me laugh since he's actually only 10 years younger than her. My husband just goes with it since there is no

My husband is Salvadoran, and this most certainly does happen to him alarmingly often. Strangers have asked him if he is Latin, then start guessing where he's from. He's been asked if he's "an Arab", if he's "some kind of Mexican", if he's "Native or something". He's been TOLD all the countries in Europe "he must have

Thanks for the story :) we are definitely starting to think about other options such as fostering as the fertility treatments are taking a very extreme toll on me. Stories like that of your friends are very inspiring.

I don't think you look like an ass at all. It is actually kind of refreshing and lets me see the world through a different perspective. I am so alienated from most of my friends since I have nothing to say to them about their babies/pregnancies, and they don't know what to say to me, that some CF by choice friends

Hahahahahaha the advice! I know all these people are trying to be nice with their ridiculous, and at times condescending, advice so I try not to roll my eyes *too* hard. Really though, do they not think after three years that I haven't tried everything!? I love all the people who tell me if I just relaxed it would

Yup. I hate hate HATE when people get going with this "oh my life had no meaning before I had kids, my life was shallow and empty" bullshit. As an infertile wonder who has been trying to have a baby for over 3 years these people feed into my darkest, most depressive thoughts. I also like to shut them down by telling

Vancouver has fabulous Latin groceries, but you have to search them out. And yeah, our "Mexican" sections in major grocery stores are sooooooooooo pathetic :-S

This blew my mind for that reason:

Wow. You obviously have some other issues going on if you have a problem with other people not wanting to hear a baby fussing in a quiet theatre, at night, at an adult movie. Babies do not need to be everywhere! I am very tolerant of babies and children 90% of the time, because I do agree with you that they are part

Thank you!

Thank you. I think that there should be lots of gown style choices for everyone, but I do get tired of all the overblown strapless hate. I wore a strapless wedding dress and I had it properly fitted so no weird squishing out fat issues. Most of the people i know wore strapless wedding gowns, and they all looked

Thank you. I am a horrible, horrible hypochondriac and I usually avoid reading anything disease-related. Just knowing that something could have compromised her immune system has hopefully made it so I don't spend the entire night awake worrying about the tiny cuts on my fingers. Freaking hypochondria...