I wish I could switch with you soooooooo much. I'm very much infertile and fighting it with all I've got :S
I wish I could switch with you soooooooo much. I'm very much infertile and fighting it with all I've got :S
Hey I'm late to the party, but just wanted to chime in that a big age gap can work. I'm 30 and my husband is 46. We started dating when I was 24 and he was 40. I can tend to look super young, so he has been mistaken for my dad a couple of times (had some fun with my old neighbours hahahahaha) most of the time people…
As someone on year three of dealing with infertility, I will tell you that in many ways it feels like a disability. When I'm so depressed that I can't get out of bed, because I can't bear to see pregnant women and babies, I feel disabled. Also because of the nature of fertility treatments, they HAVE to be done on very…
Jealous! That's awesome though :-) our moms sound quite alike, I just used up my "lusting money" on Frye boots (and then saw the amaaaazing octopus coat the next week). I'm going to save some money for next year if they have another fabulous coat that I must have!
Oooooh I LOVE Smoking Lily! I absolutely lusted over this octopus coat there all winter (alas, I could not afford it) and would go and stare at it all the time. Plus their tiny store on Johnson is just way too cute.
I just want to thank you so much for posting on here. As another 3-years-trying infertile, most of the time I feel extremely isolated and alone. No one I know has gone through any infertility issues, so basically no one has any clue what to say to me. Just seeing that I am not the only one in the world dealing with…
Hi, just wanted to chime in with my advice as a fellow infertile. Basically a lot of my experience and advice is echoed by AmericanAquariumDrinker. I have been trying for about three years now, and have been getting treatment with a fertility specialist for about a year. First off, I really urge you to at least get…
I agree. I am on my third year of infertility, and Facebook was torture until I unfriended/hid all the pregnant people and new parents. I know that it is entirely my problem and no one else's but really, the amount that some of these people share is ridiculous. If I ever do manage to get pregnant I will not be…
Thank you! I was just coming here to say this!
Also, I'm sorry you found my experience "obnoxious". I sort of found your reply somewhat obnoxious so I guess we're even.
Well I live in fabulous, socialist Canada, so it is covered by our healthcare. Also, you will notice that I said that I would continue to get annual pap exams, not that everyone in the whole world needs to. If a woman and her practitioner are comfortable with every three years, more power to them. Should I take your…
Time for my "broken record speech!" I was diagnosed with CIN III (cervical carcinoma in situ) only 12 months after a normal pap. I also had had seven straight years of normal paps previously. I know paps are uncomfortable and invasive, but I imagine the treatment of cervical cancer is far worse. I don't even want to…
Agreed. I was diagnosed with CIN III just 12 months after a normal pap. I had had seven normal paps previously. I find these new guidelines to be irresponsible at best, and I'm glad I live in Canada and have a sensible doctor who believes in annual paps.
Hahahahaha that is the exact same thing I thought when I saw shreveport!
Yup. I was just coming down here to say the same thing. Oh how I wish I actually knew about HPV and what it could cause. My poor cervix would be better for it :-(
Awe!!! One of my best friends somehow made it through high school and part of university thinking that oral sex meant talking about sex. Oh how we laughed when she found out the truth...
Yes! This x infinity. I actually really don't like my fertility specialist AT ALL, but if I leave him, there are literally no more options for me other than spending insane amounts of money at private American practices. Here's a little story about just what kind of asshatery goes on when a doctor knows his patients…
Thank you so much for the pre-seed idea! I have never heard of it, but I'm going to see if I can find where it is available in Canada right now. Luckily if it's not available in Canada I'm super close to the States so I can pick some up down there. :-D
Thank you for sharing your story. I started trying at 27 and I'm now knocking on 30s door (2 more weeks). Anyway due to the system in Canada combined with a move, I only started seeing a fertility doctor this spring (I waited for a year on a list in my first city, then moved, then waited six more months in my new…
I was just scanning the comments to see if someone thought this too! I want to see her and Russel Brand have a little sit down and just talk about stuff !