
@MorningCoffeeMeow: Ah good old Calgary. I went to Scarlett, and while it doesn't sound like it was as segregated as Western, I was an outcast for being the one white girl with all her Asian friends. God forbid I didn't make sure all my friends matched my skin tone. Ugh.

@Olivesandfootball: Oh I am so with you. I absolutely HATE the people who feel the need to have that seat aaaaaaaaaaalll the way back for every minute of the flight. It's like, seriously, it's 1 pm in the afternoon and the flight is 90 minutes, you couldn't sit normally for that time? ARRRRRGH!

@jespree: I HATE strangers touching me too, and you are so right, it is ALWAYS the arm-rest-hogging-legs-spread-wide guys. The last time I flew alone and had one of these next to me I was in a really bitchy mood, so I drew an imaginary line in between our two seats from the floor to the arm rest and every time he

@otherginger: Oooooh I was thinking the same thing: I hope one of them just "accidentally" throws up on Tyra. Let's see her handle it fiercely and with a smize.

@Wanderlusting: I just had a nugget happy meal a couple of days ago, and I believe that together, the fries and nuggets equaled somewhere around 430-450 calories. I had a diet Coke, so I'm not sure how many calories a real soda would have added. I am all about happy meals when I just have to have some McDeaths!

@otherginger: Yup insane Italian heat. I was in Rome during a heat wave and I spent at least two days zipping out of my air conditioned room to get necessities like gelato, wine and salami and then right back. Making them wear sweaters in an obviously not air conditioned studio was so stupid. Tyra should have put

My tampons?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I have tried so many brands and these are the only ones that will get me through those heavy flow days. I do believe it is time for me to invest in a DivaCup...

@velma: You sound like such a good friend. I wish more people with babies/children had your level of sensitivity and perspective.

@ScotchPlaid: It feels good to know I'm not the only one who does the automatic hide feed thing. It just hurts so badly in a way that is hard to explain to people who haven't dealt with infertility. I hope the best for you (and you too ocho97!)

@buggie10: Oh my GOD I HATE THOSE so so so so so much. Seriously even if I wasn't having shitty infertility issues and had 10 kids hanging from the rafters like monkeys I would not repost those stupid chains. They are so freaking smug. It's like "ooooooh you shot a baby out your vag and are taking care of it, holy

I am going through this exact issue right now. I have been struggling trying to get pregnant for a long time, and it is getting to the point where I am thinking about deleting my facebook account altogether. I have already unfriended at least 15-20 acquaintances because of the non-stop baby/pregnancy postings. As

@traumamama: I had a guy friend who did his Mormon mission in France (I don't remember if it was in Paris or not), and while he loved the country, loved the people and loved learning French, he did not love doing his mission there. I believe in the two years he was there he had maybe 2-3 converts and barely anyone

@hedonisticme: Me too. Tears running down my face. I am so tired of these "holier than thou" abortion protesters. I am Christian, but I am also firmly, and unshakably pro-choice. No one should judge another until they have walked in their shoes. I feel nothing but sorrow for this man and his wife, and I hate that

@singing_femmebot: Ooooooo I will be the first in line for that job! It would bring me so much joy...

@singing_femmebot: I totally agree with you - I actually prefer the smaller, less famous, European art museums because they are usually filled with guards and docents who care, but also visitors who care. I have very snootily informed people in museums that their flash is destroying the art - I got dirty looks and

@Name of Numbers: That is so true. And it would be really nice if ideal just disappeared and everyone was celebrated for just being themselves (ah, if only all the things I imagined would come true!)

@veronykah: I was sadly, quite happy. She is the only person I can think of who has a body like mine in the media and is actually being (somewhat) celebrated. I know some media has used it to mock her, but it seems on the whole that people are liking her and her crazy look!

Someone wake me up when Snooki's (and therefore, my) body is the trendy 'look of the week'. Christina Hendricks is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, but the bottom line is that her body is just as unattainable for most as that of Kate Moss. She is tall (well I think she is tall compared to my 4'11) and statuesque. Yes

Meh. The only thing this makes me feel (besides embarrassed for her for her "ooooh nooooo" face) is JEALOUS because I was supposed to be going to Costa Rica this year with my husband to visit friends and family and now we can't because he lost his job. She also "lost her job" and gets to just take off and live there.