Gawker’s sordid past notwithstanding, you right wing fascists never have the moral high ground, even though they claim it through brute force and violence. But you’ll probably find yourselves deep below it, soon enough.
Gawker’s sordid past notwithstanding, you right wing fascists never have the moral high ground, even though they claim it through brute force and violence. But you’ll probably find yourselves deep below it, soon enough.
There are LEGIONS of blonde sorority girls and ex-jock douche frat bros in the southern states in college and graduating college right now that will form a long line to work for THEIR news channel. People assume the younger generation are bucking this trend. If they live in the bible belt, they’re not.
Scholars will be unpacking the true cost of Fox News to our country’s crumbling social fabric for many years to come.
And in the stripedness bind them...
Krispy Kreme sucks. Discuss:
Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.
The title of “World’s Killer of Brown People” is a heavy burden, but it’s one that the United States takes very seriously.
I just want half of the stories about his business illegality to be true, because it just might mean there’s a chance he goes to jail.
I had just moved away from Detroit when it was host to Rosa Parks’ 11 hour long funeral. I know two people who left Rosa’s service to get something to eat and went back.
This schedule is bananas!!! Bill Clinton has never spoken for only 5 minutes in his life and he’s on the JV team of gasbags speaking. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get 9 & 5 minutes to speak? Puh-leeze!! This thing could last a couple of days.
This is something else. The cemetery is around the corner from our house. HELP!
This is beyond ambitious. Is all of this live? The only way to pull this off is via a rotating theatre.
And they’re so sure it’s the jazz cigarettes too.
I’m just going to steal Ashley Feinberg’s tweet on this one:
Off-white people, amirite?
You know - If I had to imagine the face of the guy who got fired for posting his farts... Yeah. Pretty much that guy.
What’s going on in America right now doesn’t resemble Nazi Germany in the slightest...aside from a leadership which loves dictatorial strongmen, has no regard for international treaties, an economy quickly turning to crap (trade wars don’t develop markets do they!) is belicose to a ridiculous level, socially…
In a fair world, no one would sue MGM Grand in the first place, but there will be stupid lawsuits from the victims. I’m sorry, but I cannot get worked up over this
The victims are suing them for the unlawful actions of a lone nutjob. They’re fair game. MGM is being sued for the sole reason that they are the wealthiest surviving party involved in the shooting.