
State of the art psychological warfare cannot be resisted by the average person.

Part of the sous-vide process is searing at the end.

Part of the sous-vide process is searing at the end.

This. It’s amazing what optimization can do for software/games. I mean shit, look at the first vs last Halo game available on Xbox 360. The difference is staggering, yet it’s on the same system.

You guys sure know how to clickbait

Actually, I can attest that he is correct. Not an iPhone.

Looks like a switch, but you know how Gizmodo staff all like to stick their heads up Apple’s ass. Plus if it were an iPhone it wouldn’t be able to connect to that other system unless Link carried around the multiple adapters that Apple products require for their proprietary ports.

Yeah, exactly. How do you not make the connection between Link’s tablet and the thing you’re literally holding in your hands and looking at?

The Master Edition even came with a Sheikah Slate carrying case for the Switch!

So much fun... here is my Acurite in action as it were... still have to redo the guy wires...

So much fun... here is my Acurite in action as it were... still have to redo the guy wires...

I have zero need for this thing and 100% desire for it at the same time...

I have zero need for this thing and 100% desire for it at the same time...

Yeah especially since Apple kind of screwed a lot of the music industry over by making the new MacBook lines only have USB-C onboard. Apple had the pro market cornered then they started making stupid decisions and have almost lost the Pro scene.

MSI gets my money. I had an issue with the keyboard on my laptop a few months ago and sent it in. They replaced the keyboard, updated the case (there was an issue where the hard drive could slide out of place) and sent it back within a week, all free of charge.

Death to (Captain) America!

What no one realizes, is that trash heaps all over the nation are already populated by Thunderdome cosplay rejects waiting for an apocalypse to happen so they can finally be free of society’s judgement, these folk just got lucky.

Came here for LaserDisc. Left disappointed.

Well, that totally makes up for foreclosing on old ladies.

Depending on where you live, you can’t keep any sport of shit in your driveway.

“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke