
do us next!

I’m very distraught! And those red squiggly lines make me want to correct things that don’t need correcting sometimes :P

My wife is a nurse. You would be surprised at how often she has patients come in with complaints of ear pain and there’s a cockroach in there. It happens far too often for me to be comfortable with it.

It is difficult to comprehend the level of damage Trump has done to global stability in 12 days. His strategy is devastating but effective- throw so many haymakers that the opposition can’t possibly mount a unified defense. Bannon is getting EXACTLY what he wants- fear, chaos, instability, and suffering. How he thinks

And the wife!

BRB...ordering these for my kids!

Nice try, liberal media. I know a classic chemtrail cloud when I see one.

*Planets. Space Marines and the Human Imperium will turn their own planet sterilizing WMD against their own populations to prevent the spread of heresy and mutation, or to prevent the influence of aliens (dirty xenos)  from spreading.

If the slight bump in income PETA manages to squeeze from capitalizing on “look how dumb these animal extremists are with this press release” can save just one pet they rescued from someone’s porch from being euthanized by them later... it’s worth it.

That’s silly enough, but the message continues, noting that “nothing on the bloody battlefields of Warhammer’s conflict-ravaged universe could match the terrible reality of the fur trade.”

Also it’s kind of hilarious that $1600 is all they asked for. Sounds like some teenagers hacked it and that was big money to them

The hell it doesn’t. One of the Vegas hotels I used to do work at, among others, was going for a fully wired experience for the guest. That way everything in the room could be operated by a Control 4 touchscreen like a Crestron unit. In order to facilitate this, ever single room had a Cisco switch in it, and all of

Not necessarily. If the door system is connected to a hotel management system so that the check-in computer can authorize card keys, then that check-in system manages its backups and user accounts remotely, and has contracted techs that remote in to help with problems, and perhaps shares some assets with a sister

How so? It handles more power than previous incarnations, it is much easier to plug in because it’s not directional, the tips are more robust than micro USB, etc. Seems to me like a triumph of function as well. I still prefer lightning cables - and I say that as an Android user - due to what I think is an even better

This meshes perfectly with Assange being, at best, a useful idiot for Putin and at worst, an actual agent of the FSB. Regardless of who won the election, it was always in Putin’s interests to undermine the winner. His interest is in weakening US democracy and standing in the world so it was only a matter of time

I cannot edit this anymore, but we have created and @thatisabot So that people can report Twitter bots directly to researchers.

Having something I made appear in Gizmodo