
It seem ready to me. Not sure what an extra month is gonna do? I installed the latest insider build on a 1520 and it runs as well as any build of 8.1 I ever used. In a nutshell: battery life is marginally worse, performance seems identical, aesthetically 10 is not as unique as 8.1, but universal apps are much better

That is about the conclusion I came to as well. It went from a relatively quiet anti-virus prog, to ultra-upsell-annoy-the-sh*t-outta you program that rarely found anything.

Does it do this by default? Because if so, the proper reaction should be “uninstall”, not “turn it off”. That’s a pretty big violation of trust, IMO.

You know what? You’re right. I’ll update the post to reflect this. It looks like I was mixing up the 2014 and 2015 version. You are correct that the 2014 Pure Edition Moto X (ugh) would not activate on Verizon. It would activate on AT&T, though, which means if you bought it from AT&T you got screwed on the updates.

I think most people would agree that Congress isn’t doing their job, but it’s important to point out that the blame should not be distributed equally. Right now the Republican party, held hostage by their more conservative wing, blocks anything resembling good government from passing, even if it was their idea to

The Republican party I know would never disenfranchise the poor...

Same here. In my first post-college job, I barely knew what a 401(k) was other than something you used to help save for retirement. My parents advised me to sign up immediately and contribute enough to get the match, then wait to contribute more until my I got a few paychecks under my belt and had a better handle on

Came here to say the same thing. They have great support on Twitter as well.

Pocket Casts

It really helps when the company offers a plan and matching. I was reading something recently that pointed out how much more people have saved in general because their employers had automatic contributions set up as a default. (Not to discount your wise decision to participate and get the match, of course)

Not everyone. I like Apples trackpads so much that I bought a wireless trackpad for my MBP - and I used to use the Logitech MX (I have big hands). All that mouse clicking was giving me Carpel Tunnel Syndrome - I’m a web developer. Being able to ‘click’ with a light tap and use gestures to scroll, zoom, switch virtual

Yeah, I’m with you. That’s the one thing the basics don’t cover. Maybe there should be a line item in there for any medium or short term savings goals, which should be more liquid.

For the sake of science, I tried RevealMenu. It’s neat... but going forward, I can definitely see it conflicting with other long-press gestures that already exist in iOS, for example deleting/moving apps, copy/paste etc. It would have to be pretty fine controls... for ex: touch & hold for 5ms = “right click”; 10ms =

“Smaller guy in the market” is a generous descriptor for Blackberry.

Make sure you calculate (and recalculate after a pay change) with your HR department how much to contribute each pay period for all 12 months. You don’t want to hit the max in September and miss out on a few months of employer match!

I understand that it’s not for everybody, but it is nice to have. Think of it like having a mouse. Sure for a regular mouse there is click, then there is right click. But then there are the fancy mice that adds 1, 2, 3... 16 other buttons. Nobody actually needs those extra buttons, their extra functions can be

This is the most civil respectful comment thread in the history of the Internet.

That would of been perfect. Google Wave should of lived on and morph into present-day Hangouts

I actually liked Wave. Too bad no one else did :(

All I want in the world is for RedTube to sue Google for unfairly promoting its own products in search results. I don’t think that’s good or right, but it would be very entertaining.