
It’s a big deal because GOOGLE!

“many cultures find the idea of handkerchiefs repulsive”

They tested out “gallo,” but the respondents left them hanging.

Hats off to YOU. Love your comments. (English language teacher)

Personally, I also think that the idea of quick charging is an instance of companies chasing the wrong tech. The only reason there’s consumer demand for quick charging is because we need to charge our phones in the middle of the day. When you plug your phone in at 11PM for the night, no one’s frustrated because their

So it feels like this idea of including both adds complexity, cost, and apparently risk to the phone, in order to add a marginal benefit to a rather small portion of the consumers.

I think what Amazon is hoping for is that this device will make people reach for their phones less and less. Certainly with my Echo at home I find myself going through my phone less and less, especially now that it has integration with Spotify. And they keep adding skills all the time. Also, from my experience the

It’s not Fire Emblem without Permadeath. I’m sorry it just isn’t.

You don’t actually have to pull out your phone if you have an Android smartwatch. Just swipe to the left and hit reply, then it’ll prompt you to talk but you can swipe up and get some quick reply options like “Yes/No”, “Can’t talk now” and a few others. It’s come in handy pretty often for me.

Don't let silly facts get in the way of claiming that this is somehow better than the Apple Watch.

Only reason I drive a pickup truck is because a comparably roomy car (I’m 6' 4" and 300 pounds) would have cost easily $10,000 more than my F150 did. Also, I hate fucking Front Wheel Drive.

a portable, voice-activated virtual assistant with the option of a customized launch phrase?

...I don’t get it. These days, thanks to digital distribution, PC games go on 75%+ sale all the freaking time, just a few months after release, and you get automatic patches and updates.

My company’s plan is like this. The PPO and High deductible have the exact same network of doctors, no referrals needed. The PPO premiums are almost double the HD. Our in network deductible is 2000/4000 out. My work gives me 850 in HSA toward deductible, so my max exposure is only 1150 out of pocket(besides

More like you DEFINITELY need a budget if you don’t have much money.

My company had three plans and the middle one is like that. I just can’t see any advantage to it. As far as why companies offer it. Lots of people are scared of high deductible plans. If you usually blow through a lot of medical care in the first quarter of the year, then all of those bills are so them. For someone

I think it just worked because so many people use Gmail and have a tab open with it at all times.

I understand that Feedly natively support Chrome Custom Tabs. But not all apps do that (yet). Chromer fixes that by enabling you to use Custom tab even though the app has not implemented it. For example, you can open a link in hangouts in custom tab even though hangouts did not implement it.

Yes. I mean the damn thing only has 32GB storage max, and some of that is system files.