
That's so backward.

The entire paradigm of paying at restaurants needs to change anyway, so it’s great if they get a kick in the ass toward it.

This is why I loved going to Iceland and recently Canada. They bring the credit card machine to you and do it right in front of you. No leaving with your card, no nothing (at least the places I visited). A few places even used square, so I wouldn’t be afraid of using my phone there. I would never give my phone to

Wait, if I buy a Nexus 6P, I won’t be able to do my fun game where I spin my phone around on the table?!

Seems like an opportunity for a watch app — do some super-secret gesture on the phone and it automatically locks the phone and turns off the touch sensor. You’d probably even be able to do that while handcuffed.

Only $100*

yea, i was shocked that i didnt have to sign up with att or anything like that, i was in the store for 5 minutes, tops. I bought the last one at that store, but I assume a lot of stores have them in stock.

I love the look, and there are a handful of used ones for less than a hundred bucks on ebay...it’s pretty tempting. That 30% savings vs. new seems like a nice tradeoff for something that’s probably going to be obsolete in a few years, anyway...

Tell them to switch to Google+.

All hail Inbox.

you can go into your gmail account have gmail fetch other accounts so they all go into inbox.

Yeah, that is why we didn’t include it, but we can throw a little blip in there about it. After all, Eric is in love with it.

Yep totally agreed. The Ambient sensor is a very nice thing and is great for battery life. With that said, even at full brightness and pretty heavy use in it’s first few days the battery lasts well over a day, which for me is the minimum viable interval for charging a watch.

I have some Jaybird Bluebud Xs, and you can pry them from my cold, dead hands. I *love* those things. Great sound quality, awesome battery life, and they work a lot further away than they probably need to. I love being able to have my earbuds in and not have to have my phone in my pocket while lifting; I just set it

Watch the vid (or just the end). Skips 88, at least, if you’re to believe the count. Impressed, yet? :)

I get your visceral dislike of anti-vaccinators (I feel the same way)... but really, a nice write up about why the very logical idea of spreading out vaccines out is counter-intuitively a bad idea is a good thing for people to read.

@Piccles. 100% agree, thumbs up etc. Morality is an intrinsic part of not lying. If you do not include the morality and treat it as a traffic ticket you are not giving an incentive to stop the bad behavior rather you are encouraging them to find ways to beat the system. Analogous to radar detectors, being aware of

Would that happen to be the Song of Time?

I have a Moto X as well (black front, black leather back) and my iPhone owning friends will ask to see it. The comment on how thin it is, how nice it feels, how my screens are customized, the Moto Assist features - then say “but I couldn’t get used to Android.” Boggles the mind.

I guess I should re-enable the old Wallet app then or I’ll miss the update.