

Yeah, well...

Yeah, I’m sticking with 1st gen until 3rd gen, most likely. If it had a OLED screen, I would jump all over the moto gen 2 (and really, they may be able to eliminate the light sensing flat tire if they changed to AMOLED, as the constantly dimmed led screen probably still uses more juice than the AMOLED).

Sounds like you are happy with your tablet and don’t need a Chromebook. I much prefer having a full browser though.

Dat bezel tho....

I think I’d be a lot less okay with it if T-Mobile weren’t being pretty up front about what they’re doing. They’ve specifically called out 3,000 users who are engaging in intentional behavior to circumvent widely known restrictions and using huge amounts of data. As long as they’re honest about who’s being targeted,

Because even if you get a subsidized phone, you still end up paying the difference in your contract payments. Now do you understand?

“Thanks for spelling this out, but ffs it’s all unnecessarily complicated.”

It’s about time to upgrade my aging 1st Gen Moto X ... I think I’ll just buy a new Moto X next month outright and not have to deal with all this mess.

I hate all of these

Oh, bless your little toaster oven lovin’ heart~

I honestly haven’t had an issue with spam since I got Gmail back in 2005 or so.

A toaster oven works just as well as your regular over for reheating stuff, and it’s faster and doesn’t heat up the kitchen as much as your regular oven. Given the choice, I’d dump the regular toaster and go with a toaster over every time.

The perfect size for baking four slices of bacon too...

I’m going to be a douche and copy/paste a comment I made to Jason’s “Video game aggression” article a few days ago, because I think it applies to the subject’s assertion that honesty with ourselves (as gamers) is the main ingredient missing from the “video games as a detriment” subject:

With the right accessories, yes. It may not be optimal, but it can do all those things.

I’m amazed by how many more people would miss the tv vs their computer.

Well, that makes sense then!

I haven’t used a disc drive in 8 years....I download all my games (Steam, and now GOG.com), and any movies I stream. I’m with you, there’s little reason (for me at least) to own a DVD or Blu-Ray drive on your PC any more. For data transfer, I use OneDrive, GoogleDrive, or a USB key.

Good for them. They can enjoy spending $15 or downloading any other alternative media player. Not having it baked into the OS isn’t the end of the world.