
I would like to play this game too...but I bought the Android perk.

it goddamn better......

Right now I think it is, hopefully Android comes soon.

wow... I had never thought about that before, thank you.

1. The generic contactless payment logo.

I’ve seen this one go around. (People tend to send me things like this, since I’ve done research on stinging Hymenoptera and still have a strange fondness for them.)

Haha yes but now you’re using logic, which is always a mistake when trying to unravel these things. That was probably the original intent of ERISA’s fiduciary rules, but now is construed by companies to mean safe and boring, despite the expense. Imagine if the government one day said to companies “You are now

To be fair, it seems like people at Google are not sure either. It seemed like at some point it was necessary to keep two separate OSs, although everyone, including MS, is aiming for OS convergence in the long run.

Because Google always develops in redundancy and eventually kills or merges the less successful projects into the successful ones. Always always always.

There are Android devices that use traditional keyboards and mice. In fact, if you can manage to hook up a mouse to pretty much any Android device, you can use it perfectly fine. Android is 100% a mouse-capable OS.

Yep! All great additions

That may be, but compared to vinyl, CD is far more accurate. Everything I said above stands.

I’m actually into the nostalgia of it; I think anyone who grew up with vinyl would get that. That “hiss” when the needle first hits the vinyl, the smell of new vinyl and of the inside of the jacket, of sitting on your bedroom floor with your headphones on while you read the liner notes. I mentioned Sgt. Pepper’s

Technically, it is a much worse sound, especially if you aren’t spending thousands of dollars on your phonograph. They’ve just associated the lower fidelity analog sound with being “better”, the same way that someone might associate a 1950’s Aston Martin with being better than a new Corolla, where in pretty much every

Yeah, I didn’t start buying it for the sound, but for the experience of handling the records. I know that sounds stupid, but I have fond memories of having like 12 CDs and memorizing the liner notes and appreciating them physically. These days, I mostly buy digital music and if I get a CD, it’s ripped to my computer,

The warmer sound is distortion, the only thing it potentially sounds better than is lossy mp3.

I have no problem with “I like the way it wounds”, “it sounds better to me”, but saying it sounds better than lossless audio using some actual metric is an unsupportable position at best.

This is the only rumor I actually believe about the NX. Nintendo could reinvent consoles again by merging them with mobile/tablet gaming to make a market profitable enough for indie and mid tier devs to pump out quality games.

Coincidentally, this list is also ordered by best Android OS from worst to best. You’re welcome.

Desired features for me...

Soooo.. Steam Link?