
I reverse engineered the Android Auto protocol and released a Headunit app (aAhead) that works on tablets and other Android devices.

And ask Cortana to open Siri...

That wasn’t a legitimate answer, so it all works out.

I’m also still using 2007. I agree with you about search. I’d also like to be able to open Outlook directly in contacts or calendar. If there’s a way to do that, I couldn’t find it and gave up long ago. And, if I’ve cancelled setting up Business Contact Manager more than 76,541 times, I’d like to find a way to get the

This is the biggest thing. Outlook is easier to use in general than GMail (I think), but the search is SO F@#$ING BAD that it negates that, because overall GMail’s search, which actually works, saves me way more time than Outlook’s UI does. I do use plenty of subfolders in Outlook, but it still can’t find things I

I am the same way with using one big inbox at least for current stuff. The m ore recent versions like 2010, etc seem to work fine for this from what I've seen.

That is all of Windows. Once you’ve killed the stupid graphic “search ass istant” and configured search to do what you want, Windows still can’t find its ass with both flash drives.

New phone on their historic external (and internal development) product cycles? Holy shit! Amazing predictive skills!

Cars will kill jobs in buggy-whip factories!

Definitely not as scary as it looks. Especially when you treat it like a math problem and less like a blackjack table. When it comes to my retirement, practical, boring, and effective is great for me. This Frontline piece The Retirement Gamble really drove home that expensive active investing doesn’t beat investing in

definitely at least see if the total is close to what you expected- had a server once accidentally ring me out for a party of ten instead of my to go order of shrimp - the difference was around $230 if i recall correctly.

Relevant passage from the linked GAO report summary:

You would be doing your friends a favor by letting them know that ketchup doesn’t belong on a hot dog unless you’re 10 years old. Mustard is definitely the way to go.

Sadly, our sales are down -300% so we’re make some cuts and lower executive salaries by -135% as well.

Came for the Zelda references. Left satisfied.

Google Music All Access

Agreed. I love my G, and it was plenty cheap. $30 less for a terrible phone? No thanks.

Dude, my mom is the same way. She has worked as a cell phone sales person (which includes helping customers out with their phones) and now works selling car electronics. I go visit her at work sometimes and a customer will ask something I have never heard of and she starts talking all this tech talk about circuits and

And became the most successful console of its generation? Yeah, that time? I'd say that bodes well for Edge, then!