
And, by playing video games, you avoid leaving your home and spending money at a bar, on girls, etc!


The Garmin Vivoactive, and Microsoft Band both have vibrate built into it, as I'm sure many other band / watch devices already on the market. The only thing apple has done is apply their own trademarked buzzword to it, just like they've been doing for the past 10 years. That, and a gimmicky social "gee, I can annoy

On the other hand if having a prenup was standard then there would be a standard prenup and any variation on that standard would be met with “Why? Don’t you believe in our marriage?” The existing “no prenup” is the same as an existing “standard prenup” without the lawyers.

This makes me feel lucky. My employer GIVES my 401K 8%, I don’t even have to put anything in it myself. Then they half-match me an additional 6% for 12% total. After all contributions, it’s like 18% (8 + 6 + 4) of my salary every year.

My employer matches 2 for 1 up to 5%. I am a fucking moron but still knew to get in on that sweet, sweet action early.

I just can’t wrap my brain around why someone would shell out almost an EXTRA grand ($1,379) to go from one of these to the new Macbook. Nicer, yes but both are fundamentally netbooks, except one costs TRIPLE. Oh well, with this mentality I guess I’ll never, ever, know what it’s like to be the coolest kid in the

I wonder how much public money has been spent debunking a single garbage study conducted by a garbage human being.

I don’t know what he’s planning but it’s not good.

Also worth pointing out that you can download COS12 and flash it, we're just waiting on the OTA release

*facepalm* ipad mini much? this coming from an android user.

20cm? That’d be the square root of 16squared+12squared.

Welcome to new life where everyone’s a winner.

Yes, I got Netflix and Hulu for my family. We also switched from Sprint to Virgin to keep our phone numbers and saved $80 a month - I have 4 cell phones I'm paying for. Doing the card thing is transparent to the rest of the family because it gets called in a week early and the phones always just work for them. For

Yeah, I always figure entertainment is kind of a given, but it's worth repeating. As another commenter pointed out, this is less obvious for some.

Obligatory xkcd:

Haha, yeah, I also rarely use cash. But some people prefer it. The whole "pay with cash to avoid overspending" thing really works for me. I tried it a while back, and it wasn't too much effort to plug the transactions into Mint. I just took out $60 for my restaurant budget, for example, and marked it as such in Mint.

In other words, it’s crappy but we have to get on the hype train and kiss some apple ass to stay in business.

I go around NYC and Brooklyn all the time with a smartwatch. I weight 107 lbs and am a 5’2” middle aged woman, and mainly I think about necklace and purse quality, not getting too ritzy for my method of travel. I would say especially if you are new, you generally don’t want to be walking down the sidewalk starting at

My general rule of thumb for technology is don’t bring it unless it’s strictly necessary. Smart watches aren’t all that conspicuous unless you’re staring at it the whole time. For me, flashy means things like big-ass watches, designer logo purses/clothes, etc. My guiding principle for all travel: understated and