
“tempted never to delete your emails. But that’s not how you get to Inbox Zero”

Simple is good but... If you can only do 1 on 1 video calls then it’s not really a replacement for hangouts. I was hoping that one new app would be replacing hangouts and messenger. Now not only are they making Allo and Do seeprate apps, but since they are both mobile only and Duo can do far less video stuff than

Needham! They’re one of the most delicious things in the whole world, I just submitted it, but everyone else should submit it too so that hopefully it gets picked. (For those who don’t know, Needham’s are a coconut based filling covered in chocolate. It may sound like an almond joy without the almond, but they’re a

The latest episode of Shield really bothers me with the blatant contradiction with the movies that no one seems to be mentioning.

I call bs on that study. (No disrespect meant towards you or this article Melanie, just the study underneath). Picking from a predefined list of five lamps is not a thoughtful, meaningful gift. It’s still a lamp. Sure some people like lamps, but I have a total of zero friends for whom a lamp would make sense as a

Would love a similar product with type C ports, or maybe one A and one C. Does such a thing exist yet?

Would love a similar product with type C ports, or maybe one A and one C. Does such a thing exist yet?

I’m baffled by the phones that include quick charge with C. Using a regular old type C cable can charge a phone crazy fast. I guess if you already have like a dozen quick charge adapters, it could make sense to get C to A cables and use those.

Apple: doesn’t let anyone else touch iOS.

Tangentially related English question. You said “an AA battery”. I know A is a vowel, so should be preceded by “an”, and all is well if we pronounce it “an ay-ay battery”. But they are generally known as “double-A”, and with that form it would be “a double-A battery”. So when writing “a(n) AA battery”, is it correct

The information presented here implies vision is not constant, but not that conciseness isn’t constant. I’m not sure how that conclusion was reached.

Here’s something I’ve always wondered. If 1080 looks better when it’s shot in 4k, then why don’t cameras do that automatically? When I shoot in 1080, why doesn’t my phone (which is capable of 4k) just actually shoot in 4k and then convert the resulting footage to a 1080 resolution?

In the Pivot table section, you equate adjusting the number format with using the round function. These are not the same thing. The round function is actually changing the value, number format is just a cosmetic thing.

My main issue with them is that they can destroy immersion. Even when done fantastically, it has a different feel than other scenes around it. It may be a good feel, but it’s still different. This makes me aware that I’m watching a cool scene. Suddenly I’m no longer lost deep in the show, and am just sitting on a

“I recommend it even if you don’t plan to get the full Bravely Second game next month”

Cool! Would love to see a similar article aimed at the best man/maid of honor, tips on bachelor parties and whatever else they’re supposed to help with.

These are my thoughts on every new iPhone (and many other phones too). I love the commercial for the 6S that starts out by saying that “Nothing has changed.” I got all excited about their honesty. But then they finish the thought with “Nothing has changed, except everything” and resume their lies.

“slightly easier on Android”

I didn’t realize Adobe Air was so connected to Flash. I had it on a phone ages ago for one game, but haven’t had air installed in a couple years now. Hopefully both Flash and Air completely die out soon...

“Adobe’s urging... Android, iOS... users to download the patch immediately.”

I have no grinder. But I will definitely try mixing in a bit of pre ground spices with my pre ground coffee. Don’t hate me for being lazy in the morning.