
That’s why I refuse to try expensive headphones. I found pretty good ear buds that cost $15 (they sound a lot better than anything else I’ve tried in that price range) and I’m happy with them. If I break them, no big deal, easily replaced. I can throw them in a bag and not worry. If I start trying out $100 headphones,

They did mention opening up the beta for trial by consumers later on in the process (right now it’s meant for developers, not consumers, though anyone can still easily get it anyway). At that point I’ll probably use it, I can deal with bugs and performance hiccups as long as I can be confident it’s not going to

Uh... The main reason people don’t go to the theater isn’t inconvenience, it’s cost. No one wants an even more expensive option so they can watch it on their regular TV instead of a giant movie screen. Who does he think would ever pay for this?

The Mario and Luigi series and the Paper Mario series have both produced some great games. I just finished the cross over Mario and Luigi Paper Jam, and it was quite good. But as I play every single game in these series, I am always filled with disappointment. On their own, most of them have been quite good. But just

I’m actually having second thoughts now. Had the preview of L a couple years ago on my Nexus 7, and it was fine. But the beta sign up lage makes it sound like this is much earlier and less stable then last time, and the only eligible device I have, a Nexus 6P, is my main phone so I can’t really afford to have things

That awkward moment when something your super excited for and are 100% positive will be announced in a month and a half, is out of the blue released today.

My thoughts exactly, though I’m pretty sure I know the answer. Maybe someone should start a class action lawsuit or something? I do think it would make more sense for them to have to give us, the people actually affected, some reparations.

I still don’t quite get the point of this, especially the tap one. I can already do most of this stuff with my phone. A variety of phones even have always listening modes, or you can even pair it with a smartwatch. What’s the benefit of having a separate standalone device for this stuff? Especially since putting a dot

Do some places really do 14/366 for leap year bi weekly paychecks? Not only does it have the potential to anger employees from smaller checks (even though the difference is negligible, I’m sure some would get angry), but also would create a headache for payroll (small adjustments to all paychecks, not to mention

“CPU that’s still used in some graphing calculators.”

These are a lot of the reasons I like Google Keep. The notes are super simple. It has a couple minor features that I enjoy, but nothing too fancy. Tags, but I only have like three tags to keep things simple. But checkboxes are important for to-do lists, it’s satisfying to not delete done items but to have a list of

Okay, that makes sense, thank you!

“binaural audio... speaking straight into your ears.” I hadn’t heard about that. Before I didn’t care to much about the removal of this part, but now I do. Depending on the exact content of that dialog, that could have been kind of cool. I’ve never played a game that could trigger ASMR, and it would have been an

Can anyone explain what makes a C to C cable safe? Why couldn’t a poorly designed one pull too much or too little power, just like a bad A to C cable? All the article says is that type A wasn’t designed for that kind of power draw. Type C may have been designed for it, but couldn’t a poorly made cable not follow that

My 2012 Corolla is starting to feel pretty old fashioned...

My first thought was “this is kinda stupid”. But actually... This is brilliant. I love my watch, and there’s definitely a large portion of my texts that I can respond to with very basic things. But even if all I want to say is “yes” I have to pull out my phone, half defeating the point of having the watch (unless I’m

Hub, I had no idea Tidal was actually doing okay. I know zero people who use it, and it just seems overpriced and silly.

Uh, the IP67 rating us identicle to the IP67 rating on other Moto 360 watches, and (with regards to water) is the same as the IPX7 rating on the Apple Watch. So that comparison about how much better it is for water than the Apple Watch is just objectively wrong.

Valid points. Though for road trips, DVDs are definitely much more portable than VHS. Physical movies still do have their roll though. Personally I’d rather find a digital copy I can download to watch on a trip, but there are still no great ways to buy a digital movie (no way to just get a simple file you can do

I know you’re basically being sarcastic when saying Tidal as one of Spotify’s competitors, but mentioning that and not Google Music? Google really needs to work on advertising it or something, its by far my favorite music service.