
“one feature that Google’s web-based email client doesn’t: search folders.”

I disagree about Android Wear. The crown on the apple watch is, in my opinion, stupid. It makes interaction with the watch needlessly complex. It’s important to keep it simple. Maybe add a second or third button, but no fancy dials or anything.

So true. People claim to care about the environment, but at the end of the day most only care about their own wallet, and sadly they’re too stupid to realize that prices will go back up, so even from a selfish perspective buying SUVs is still a bad move. Some people do actually need SUVs for various reasons, but sadly

Not as directly related to the economy, but this also impacts technological advancements in the auto industry. People don’t care as much about electric cars when gas is cheap. I’ve heard (don’t remember the source, so I apologize for not having a link) that sales of things like SUVs has been going up and sales of

I’ve heard this game can be played with a DDR pad. Anyone know if a USB DDR pad might work on a PS4? I got a nice one years ago, would be nice to have a use for it again.

Plus the benefit of everyone already has an account.

I went through all those stages the day I started the game. The beginning, though somewhat interesting for story, is horrendous for gameplay. It’s unforgiving: no shops yet, no radaway in my inventory, and radiation building up to like half my health bar since I’m forced to use radiation filled foods to heal since I

More importantly, I don’t recall hearing an outcry about the drm on those games hindering paying customers any more than the average game. If they can stop piracy without destroying the experience for paying customers, then good for them. No complaints from me.

Other TV features I don’t care about: bezel size and screen thickness. As long as they’re within the realm of what’s currently considered “normal” for LCD and LED TVs, I just don’t care how much more you make the thing thinner or remove the bezels. Very important on things like phones sure, but not on TV.

Thanks, I heard about some issues with cheaper C cables not being compliant, so this was my first question.

Thanks, I heard about some issues with cheaper C cables not being compliant, so this was my first question.

Wait... Picking a faction? These aren’t like guilds in Skyrim where you can just do them all?

“spending in ways that are meant to keep up with the Joneses.”

Hate nuts and seafood. Allergic to peanuts, a legume. More plants sounds good though, I like fruits and vegetables!

Ah, good point. Even if the high deductible is better, people will get scared by the $2500 and flip out if they are suddenly forced to switch, so they keep the other one to keep employees happy.

I think it’s the same network, but am not positive. Theoretically if you get sick in January, I think you can usually work out a payment plan with doctors to spread it out anyway.

Fair enough. Perhaps I should have phrased it as “it has the potential to be better”

I’m actually really confused by two options available at my employer. There’s the regular plan, with a nice $0 deductible. Then there’s a high deductible plan that costs about $2500 less over a whole year, with a $2500 deductible. Regular plan has some small copayments for some things, high deductible plan covers 100%

Nice! I agree about convenient it is, I just wish I could convince all my friends to actually try it.

Fair enough, but that’s how literally every IM service works, the service itself has your messages in its database.

This is weird, not sure why they would do that instead of just updating hangouts with new features or something. Maybe it’s going to be a really drastic change.